What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
It’s wind-down time at the end of a busy day. Pax abhors riding in the car, so our favorite relaxation time is spent in our back yard. Our home is on just over an acre and the entire back yard is fenced so they have plenty of room to enjoy. The yard boasts trees for shade and wildlife for entertainment.
What's brewing?
On this warm spring day, it’s definitely iced coffee (the only choice for me when it’s 90 degrees outside).
Any treats for you or your dogs on this occasion?
How were you and your dogs united?
Bess I found in a classified ad in the newspaper. I had lost my 14-year-old black Labrador just five days earlier and was furtively looking for a female black lab puppy. We visited the owners of the litter and out of two female puppies, Bess claimed me.
Samantha we found on petfinder.com. We were searching for a playmate for Bess and that precious painted face reached out to us. She was with a foster mom, having been rescued the day before her scheduled euthanasia. We took Bess with us to meet her and the two got along beautifully. We had to leave Samantha with her foster mom for several weeks while she completed her treatment for kennel cough and was spade. Then we were able to bring her home.
How did they get their names? Any aliases?
Pet names are really important to me. They must hold special meaning, be symbolic or intrinsic. When I got Bess I had noticed the name on the petfinder.com website and liked it, but it didn’t hold any meaning for me. My mother suggested we name her Besame Mucho (her AKC registered name) and then call her Bess. Besame Mucho means “kiss me a lot”, basically, in Spanish. That I liked and Bess was named. We also call her “Bess the Mess” because she has over-the-top personality and attitude and likes to play tricks on her humans and her four-legged siblings.
Samantha was listed on petfinder.com as a Saint Bernard puppy. So, we thought we were going to have this huge dog when she grew up. We wanted a feminine name, but one that would be fitting for a great big dog. A friend’s daughter suggested we name her Samantha and we could call her “Sam”. And, so Samantha was named. However, she never grew into a “Sam” and we

Pax [photo left] came to us from the rescue group as “Falcor”, the foster. He remained Falcor for the first several months of his life. But, when we made the decision to adopt him, I told my husband we had to rename him. There was no way I could see myself standing at the back door calling out, “Falcor”, at the top of my lungs. My husband told me that he had a German shepherd dog named Pax when he was a young man and he liked the name as it was Latin for peace. That seemed like a really appropriate name for a big guy who was going to be incorporated into a pack of 4 large dogs. He’d better be like “peace”. And, as I look back over the years, he has truly lived up to his name.
Please tell us about Moses, the subject of your new book.

What role have your dogs played in your writing routine?
The dogs have, so far, been my muses. Though the only book I’ve published is about my dogs, I have some ideas in the works for some fiction endeavors. They will, no doubt, involve dogs. I’ve also been asked when the sequel to The Story of Moses will be ready. In addition to being a source of inspiration, I find the dogs help to ground me, to keep me in the moment, which is extremely helpful when trying to get those creative juices flowing.
Do your dogs have a favorite place to go for an outing?
Their absolute favorite place, for each one, is a walk in the neighborhood. Samantha and Bess like going for rides and enjoy visiting PetsMart and just about anywhere other than the vet’s office. But, if we’re talking “favorite”, it’s definitely walking the neighborhood. I am fairly confident (though I would not put this to the test) that they all know their way around the neighborhood as well. We have several routes that we take. Most of our walks are one-mile routes. But, when we have time we circle the entire neighborhood for a total of two miles. They know the turns we take. The dogs love walks because they experience all the smells along the way that tell them who’s been there and interesting tid-bits like that. Often, they get the added perk of visiting with neighbors and, oh, just anybody along the way, getting pets and smiles and hugs from kids and adults alike.
Squirrel, postman, cat...?

What is each dog's best quality?
Well, all three dogs are extremely intelligent. But, Pax – his best quality is his gentle, loving spirit. He truly loves every dog, every person he meets. Loyalty (a discerning nature) would be Bess’s best quality, I think. She would walk through fire for me or for her daddy. Of that, I’m sure. She doesn’t readily accept just anyone, she is cautious. She is very aware that infants are to be protected and will put herself between someone or between other dogs if she feels they are threatening to an infant. Samantha is an innate and vigilant guardian, constantly circling the yard, attentively watching, who absolutely adores children.
If your dogs could change one thing about you, what would it be?
I think they’d want me to be some sort of 6-handed being that never had to go anywhere so I would always be with them and it would be really easy to pet all of them at one time. On a more serious note, I am very, very close to my dogs (some would find it rather eccentric or odd I’m sure). I talk to them a lot. And, I’m convinced that on a certain level they understand much of what I say. Because of this close bond, my dogs are very sensitive to my moods. I know they don’t like it when I’m angry or sad – it actually upsets them. So, they would surely rather that I was more balanced in mood, more able to stay in the moment, and more unconditionally loving and happy – more like them J.
What is each dog's proudest moment? His/her most embarrassing?

Bess does not have embarrassing moments – she is completely unflappable. However, MY most embarrassing moment with Bess was when she made big potty (and you know that that means) in the middle of PetsMart (and she wasn’t a cute puppy at the time – she definitely knew better).
Within the first few weeks of having Samantha in our family, I lost a pair of sunglasses out in the back yard. I had given them up for gone. Then, one day young Samantha (only about 5 months old at the time) came bounding through the dog-door into the house, ran up to me and deposited the sunglasses at my feet. She gazed up into my eyes, tail wagging enthusiastically, and looking as proud as ever that she had found my lost glasses.
Samantha had extensive knee surgery (TPLO – tibia plateau leveling osteopathy) when she was a youngster. They actually saw the leg in two with a bone saw and reattach the knee with steel plates and screws. Needless to say she had a big incision to heal and a very long, arduous recovery. For the first week of recovery, until the incision was healed and the staples removed, Samantha had to wear one of those awful, evil, plastic cone-things on her head. Now, not only do

Last autumn, our local Pyrenees rescue group (SPIN – Saving Pyrenees in Need) had their annual “Pyr Picnic in the Park” in conjunction with the local Pyrenees AKC group. At the picnic, a “fun match” was held mimicking the conformation matches typical of the AKC. The dogs were divided into groups by age and by gender and judged on how closely they matched the standards for the Great Pyrenees breed. Our sweet little Pax went “Best in Show”. He won two blue ribbons and a special chew toy. The crowd cheered when he was selected and he looked up at me and beamed. He was indeed proud.
Pax, though a giant in his own right, has a peculiar and embarrassing trait (and one that my vet whispered to Pax that he would never tell). Pax is terrified of the wind. If it’s a windy day Pax does not like going out to potty. If he’s outside in the yard and the wind picks up ferociously (like just before a storm) he comes running inside. As windy as it tends to be here in north Texas, you’d think it would be something he’d acclimate to. But, no, not Pax – I don’t think that’s in the cards.
Read more about Jennifer Talbot Ross's The Story of Moses.
--Marshal Zeringue