My name is Delonna Zion and this is my dog Skoobie. He's a senior Maltese- 10 or 11 years old. He's my canine companion during the week while my husband works. Also, I have two feline companions. Unfortunately, I haven't worked since 2005 as current back problems have gradually gotten worse since that year. So, I'm a housewife and constant companion to my pets.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
I like a hot beverage shortly after I wake up while I read a mystery. Right now I'm reading The Tale of Hill Top Farm- The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter by Susan Wittig Albert.
What's brewing?
Normally, I sip Twinings hot tea, but this is Coffee with a Canine. So, I brewed something special- Cracker Barrel's pumpkin pecan pie flavored coffee mixed with Nestle's chocolate caramel hot chocolate. I know, I know. All you hardcore coffee drinkers are either saying, "Ew" or, "That doesn't count as coffee." Haha!

I'm having Newton's Fig and Honey Fruit Thins. Skoobie just had his breakfast, but he'll be eager to get a Milkbone around three o'clock this afternoon. He's the biggest food mooch. I always say that if he's not mooching there's something wrong and it's time to see the vet.
How were you and Skoobie united?
My union with Skoobie was 2-1/2 years in the making. I had grown up on a farm, which for me meant always being surrounded by animals and always having a family canine. After I moved and got married, it took 2-1/2 years to actually be able to adopt a dog. I found Skoobie on He was in foster care in Philadelphia. His foster mom was great, but I think he had been abused before his foster home. When he came to us he was head shy and had a bad case of anxiety. I can't believe, though, how much he has improved in the two years that I've had him. November 22nd is the two year mark. Most likely due to the fact that he was classified as a senior dog, the adoption applications weren't necessarily piling up for him. The fact that I didn't work and would therefore be able to spend the majority of my time with a senior "velcro" dog worked in both of our favor.

As far as I know, his name has always been Skoobie. He responded to it after I adopted him and I didn't want to change it since he had been called "Skoobie" for almost a decade. I have a fetish for nicknames! Skoobie's nicknames currently are: Skoobfeld, Skoobie Doo (of course), Skoobers, Skoob-fest, Goober, etc. I never know what I'll come up with next! I'm zany like that.
Has your dog played any role in your writing?
Yes, Skoobie has played a role in my writing. If he has done something that has made me laugh, smile, or just tug at my heart strings, I'll blog about it and share it with the world. I try to capture the emotions that I felt at the time, not just remembering what happened. My goal is to compile my blogs into a novel.

Skoobie's favorite place to walk is on the farm "up home", which is in Potter County Pennsylvania. That's where I'm originally from. Otherwise, he has to settle for a block and a half walk to our town park. He's fine with that walk, too. However, because he is an older dog and a toy breed, I'm very careful not to walk him for too long a time. He's very good at informing me he's had enough exercise for one day. He just sits his butt down on the ground and doesn't move.
Squirrel, postman, cat...?
Neither. Skoobie could not care less about other animals, unless it's a small female dog. Then, as if by magic, he transforms himself into a young man again. Some things will never change.
What is Skoobie's best quality?
Skoobie's best quality is his gratitude. Whatever his past trauma, he doesn't take that out on me. He seems grateful for the good home that he has now, his warm fuzzy fleece blankets, doggie treats, squeaky toys... Most of all he just seems grateful for having his own person that cares about him and loves him despite all of his quirks.

If your dog could change one thing about your cats, what would it be?
Skoobie would change their paws into hands. See, if the cats had hands it would be so much easier to raid the sacred cupboards and holy drawers that contain their entire reason for being- Food! All three would benefit, not just Skoobie. He may be the biggest canine mooch, but the cats are the biggest feline food mooches. Skoobie would be the brains behind the operation and the cats would do his dirty work. In the end, all would be satisfied, except for me of course.
If Skoobie and the cats could talk in the movie about your life, who should do their voices?
Skoobie would be voiced by Scottish actor Billy Connolly.
Emmy, our female cat, would be voiced by British actress Minnie Driver.
Nigel, our male cat, would be voiced by British actor Hugh Laurie.
Visit Delonna Zion's felinepaws4thought blog.
--Marshal Zeringue