I'm Stephanie Kate Strohm, young adult author (The Taming of the Drew) with Lorelei Lee Strohm-Lando, female, age 7, Coton de Tulear.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
I stopped into Flirty Cupcake in Lincoln Square, because I am incapable of walking by without getting a cupcake, and got a tea to accompany it. Lorelei and I walked through Winnemac Park on our way home post-cupcake.
What's brewing?
A hot raspberry herbal tea – it may be April in Chicago, but it’s only 30 degrees! Not quite iced tea season yet.
Any treats for you or Lorelei on this occasion?
I had a pineapple cupcake with coconut cream cheese frosting. Someone in a different store offered Lorelei a Milkbone, but picky eater that she is, she declined.
How were you and Lorelei united?
We met in Vermont, and it was instant love.

Lorelei was named after Marilyn Monroe’s character in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, a sassy showgirl named Lorelei Lee. When Lorelei was a baby, she had very blonde ears. She also loves to perform!
Does Lorelei do more to help or hinder your writing?
Help! She likes to sit next to me on the couch or under my chair at the table while I write. She’s also very good about reminding me to take breaks! I think I get some of my best ideas while we’re walking.
Has Lorelei inspired the creation of any fictional dogs?
There’s a dog in Confederates Don’t Wear Couture, but he couldn’t possibly be more different than Lorelei! She really acts more like a pretentious toddler than a dog.

Squirrel! Cats are too scary and postmen are friends.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Squeaky-toy – preferably one that looks like a little stuffed animal.
Who is Lorelei's best pet-pal?
Honestly, she does not prefer the company of other dogs. Thorin, our friend’s jack russel mix, is the main dog in her life, but I’m not sure I would describe them as pals. The only activity that unites them is a shared love in sitting in front of the window and barking at passersby.
What is Lorelei's best quality?
She is extremely affectionate to all people, especially kids. She’s probably the friendliest dog I’ve ever met (except to other dogs, whom she mostly ignores.)

They don’t drop nearly as many pizzas on the sidewalk as New Yorkers do!
If Lorelei could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
Can we get a second dog, or are you too happy being an only pup?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Lorelei could speak, who should voice her?
I frequently pretend to speak in Lorelei’s voice, and she sounds just like Elmo.
What advice would Lorelei give if asked?
All of life’s problems can be solved by cheese.
Visit Stephanie Kate Strohm's website.
The Page 69 Test: The Taming of the Drew.
My Book, The Movie: The Taming of the Drew.
Writers Read: Stephanie Kate Strohm.
--Marshal Zeringue