I’m Heather Gudenkauf, author and educator and this lovely girl (who, with no luck, we were trying to get to pose for a picture) is Lolo, a four-year-old German shorthair pointer.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
On weekends, Lolo and I have a ritual of hopping into the car and going to get a Diet Coke.
What's brewing?
For me, it’s a Diet Coke from a fountain with a skinny straw. Odd I know, but it’s the simple things in life that make us happy, right?
Any treats for you or Lolo on this occasion?
No treats for me today but I always keep a stash of dog treats in the car’s center console.
How did your dog get her name?
Lolo is named after Iowa native and Olympic athlete Lolo Jones.

We call her Lo for short.
Back in 2010 you introduced us to the much-loved Maxine, also a German Shorthaired Pointer. Is there something about the breed that you really like, or can that be a coincidence?
It’s no coincidence and kind of a long story. Maxine, our mischievous German Shorthair Pointer, completed our family. If Maxine didn’t have the chance to run each day, destruction would follow. Shoes disappeared, food vanished from countertops, especially sticks of butter, and once we discovered a hole eaten out of the center of our mattress. But Maxine was also smart and loving. When one of our five was diagnosed with cancer, Maxine, once the bossy center of our household found herself on the sidelines. Between trips to the hospital, work and school, Maxine was often left alone for long stretches, but she was always there for whoever needed comfort.
We could cry into her soft fur when we became overwhelmed with the reality of the illness that changed our family. She would lie patiently at our side, head on our laps, when we had no energy to do anything else.
On a cold evening, ten-year-old Maxine died suddenly.
We were devastated. While we continued to feel the deep loss, we were mindful of the joy that having a pet brought us. One day I received an unexpected call from the man we bought Maxine from. He said he had a puppy if we wanted to meet her. We did.
The pup was returned to him by the hunter he sold her to because she was soft, scared of loud noises. She intermittently approached us and skittered away, but still, we fell in love. The man pulled out her papers and then brought out Maxine’s genealogy. He smiled broadly. The puppy’s mother was a littermate to Maxine. Maxine was this puppy’s aunt!

Does Lolo do more to help or hinder your writing?
I love having Lolo nearby as I write. She looks out the window or snuggles up in a chair while I work at the computer. If I’m sitting for too long she reminds me that it’s time for a break and talks me into taking her for a walk.
Has Lolo inspired the creation of any fictional dogs?
I think there is a lot of Lolo in Stitch from Not A Sound. Like Stitch, Lolo definitely has a mind of her own, is loyal and loving.
Cat, postman, rabbit...?
Rabbits, squirrels, anything small and crittery Lolo will get her attention.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
All of the above!
Who is Lolo's best pet-pal?
Lolo loves to hang out with the neighbor dogs – two yellow labs named Roxie and Bo.

Lolo is sweet, snuggly and always up for an adventure.
If Lolo could change one thing about Iowans, what would it be?
I think Lolo would encourage we Iowans to take a little time off work and get outside and hike the beautiful trails that many people don’t realize that Iowa has.
If Lolo could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
I would ask Lolo what she thinks of us all – though I’m a little afraid to hear the answer!
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Lolo could speak, who should voice her?
What a fun question! I would say Alexis Bledel, Rory Gilmore of Gilmore Girls.
What advice would Lolo give if asked?
Wake up each morning ready to explore the world around you, run hard, rest when you need to.
Visit Heather Gudenkauf's website.
Coffee with a Canine: Heather Gudenkauf and Maxine.
--Marshal Zeringue