I'm Melissa Scholes Young. I'm a writer and a teacher. This is the dog who picked me, Huckleberry Nacho Finn Scholes Young. He sits on my feet while I write books. We think he's about four years old. He's a chocolate lab/Pit Bull/Boxer/Love of my life mutt.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
We're on our way to the dog park. He let's me take him as a reward if I make his morning chicken just right.
What's brewing?
Nespresso. Dry cappuccino with skim milk. Huck prefers his with whipped cream.
Any treats for you or Huck on this occasion?
I'm enjoying a salad and Huck is enjoying the salmon that used to be on top of my salad.

He chose me at a Lucky Dog adoption event. He leaned in. If you've ever had a dog lean in and claim you, you know the rest.
How did your dog get his name? Any aliases?
I grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, Mark Twain's boyhood home, so I'm a big literary fan of Twain's. Huck just seemed to be a Huck, but the first time he ate an entire stick of butter off of our table Huckleberry Finn came out of my mouth in a certain tone that Widow Douglass would have used. My youngest daughter added the Nacho part to his name. He mostly goes by Huckanoodles and Good Boy.
Does Huck do more to help or hinder your writing?
He sits on my feet and makes me sit and stay. He reminds me to take breaks and walk him. He lets me throw his ball while I'm working out plot points in my mind. He snores a lot and there seem to be a lot of snoring dogs in my scenes.

Yes. The novel I'm working on now has a Nacho in it. Nacho prefers sticks to balls but whatever.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Ball. Ball. Ball.
Where is Huck's favorite outdoor destination?
Our woods. Anywhere there is water.
Who is Huck's best pet-pal?

What is Huck's best quality?
He is absolutely the best listener ever.
If Huck could change one thing about Marylanders, what would it be?
They think their dogs have behavior problems. They're really only owner problems.
If Huck could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
Do you know how much I adore you?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Huck could speak, who should voice him?
Matthew McConaughey with a southern accent.
What advice would Huck give if asked?
Don't work so hard. Take more naps.
Visit Melissa Scholes Young's website.
--Marshal Zeringue