I’m E.M. Powell and I’m the writer of the Fifth Knight medieval thriller series as well as The King's Justice, the first in my new Stanton & Barling medieval mystery series. On my lap (even though he barely fits and he’s really heavy!) is our man, Marshall. He’s a Staffie cross and we think he’s about five. We don’t know for sure because he’s a rescue.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
If there are writers who don’t run on caffeine, I haven’t met many! When I have my first cup at breakfast, somebody likes to sit up next to me. We had a chat this morning about the upcoming World Cup. Marshall’s not sure about England’s chances.
What's brewing?
Cafedirect Fairtrade Intense Roast Ground Coffee. Best coffee around.

After morning walk, I have to produce a Dentastick. If I don’t, the universe is not aligned, and I will be pawed without cease.
How were you and Marshall united?
We had to put Poppy, our sweet, bonkers girl of 14 years, to sleep last summer. We were utterly heartbroken. But we only lasted three weeks without a doggo. We weren’t in any way trying to replace her. But she was a rescue and we thought, ‘Why hang around and leave a dog in a shelter when they could be home with us?’ So we found Marshall at a wonderful shelter called Homeless Hounds here in the northwest of England. He’d been abandoned and would’ve been put down if the shelter hadn’t taken him in. We fell in love with his photo. They also have a great system at the shelter where the dogs spend time in a foster home and the fosterer does a detailed write-up. We knew he was the man for us!
How did your dog get his name? Any aliases?
Homeless Hounds named him and we kept it because it suits him so well. I call him Mr Bear because of his gorgeous big face and heavy snout.
Does Marshall do more to help or hinder your writing?
He helps loads because he’s a calm, settled boy and he’s so patient in letting me get on with work. He tells me when it’s time to break, though! Having a dog is a gift to my health as well. I spend most of my working hours sat on my behind in front of a computer. Having a dog means I have to get out in the fresh air and take some exercise. Without him, I’d be good as a stunt double for Jabba the Hutt.

Not a named one. But in my next Stanton & Barling mystery, which is called The Monastery Murders, I have a bear-baiting scene. Bear-baiting, where a chained-up bear was forced to fight with multiple dogs, was very popular in medieval times. As with everything in historical fiction, I had to research it in depth which I found very challenging. It was horrific for bear and dogs. Marshall is of a similar powerful build to the type of dogs that were used. He’s not in the least aggressive and would have been utterly terrified, as would the poor bears. Sadly, bear-baiting still goes on in some parts of the world and illegal dog fighting is also sickeningly common. One would have thought that the human race had moved on from such senseless cruelty, but it seems it’s timeless.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
Cat = i-can-see-you-and-if-you-don’t-back-off-I’ll-woof. Postman = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Squirrel = I can see you, I can see you, I can see you, I can see you up that flaming tree and I’m coming up there after you!!!!!
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Kong is King. Anything else gets power-jawed to pieces in about thirty seconds.

Garden games are Very Good Indeed. We also have lots of great local parks and woods. Marshall is far happier there. He’s not a huge fan of pavements and traffic. He gets quite tense in those situations, maybe because of his history as a stray.
Who is Marshall's best pet-pal?
He likes Daisy, a female border terrier who’s his neighbour. He also has a Park Friend, a daft poodle called Milo.
What is Marshall's best quality?
He’s a stoic, through and through. He takes anything and everything that’s thrown at him without complaint or fuss. We’ll never know his past, but he has part of an ear missing and certain noises make him worried. But he never gets aggressive or snappy when he’s not sure about something. He just sits or leans really hard on you to get comforted. He also likes his bed. Our bed. Any bed.
If Marshall could change one thing about the English, what would it be?

If Marshall could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
How are you doing, pal?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Marshall could speak, who should voice him?
Sean Bean. (Note: this answer is going to cause trouble. Bean is from Yorkshire, while Marshall is a Lancashire lad. The Yorkists and Lancastrians first had at it in the 15th century Wars of the Roses. Things have been simmering since.)
What advice would Marshall give if asked?
Be kinder to each other. Hate diminishes us all, my friends.
Visit E.M. Powell's website, blog, Twitter perch and Facebook page.
--Marshal Zeringue