I am Alex (A.F. Brady) and I am a psychotherapist and author. My dog is Maurice, a seven-year-old French bulldog and unapologetic lover of the finer things in life.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Maurice and I enjoy a coffee (usually cold as we are distracted by the needs of two very small humans) daily, because I can’t function without coffee and he can’t function without snuggles.
What's brewing?
Usually Nespresso with a lot of milk, or if I’m particularly impatient, NesCafe Instant coffee, also with milk.
Any treats for you or Maurice on this occasion?
I usually eat breakfast well after my first coffee, and Maurice usually hovers under the kids while they’re having breakfast in case they drop anything.
How were you and Maurice united?
Maurice was the runt of a small littler of Frenchies at a place in Jersey. He was needy, tiny, and had parasites, and he wouldn’t let me put him down for even a moment for the first few weeks.
How did your dog get his name? Any aliases?
As he is a saucy Frenchman, I named him after Maurice Chevalier. And I usually call him Momo.
Does Maurice do more to help or hinder your writing?
Maurice has been on my lap or at my feet or under my knees for every book I’ve written and all through the editing process. He is an extremely calming influence, so in that way he helps enormously. However, he wants exclusive access to my lap, which is where my laptop goes, and he snores, so in that way, he is a hinderance.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
If a human of any kind approaches, Momo will lick and snuggle him/her to death. He has absolutely no interest in other animals, no matter the variety.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Usually stuffed toys. He tends to destroy them admirably. He cares very little to whom the toy belongs.
Where is Maurice's favorite outdoor destination?

Who is Maurice's best pet-pal?
He thinks he’s human, and he prefers humans.
What is Maurice's best quality?
His silliness and absolutely unconditional love.
If Maurice could change one thing about New Yorkers, what would it be?
They would all have bacon in their pockets, cashmere blankets at the ready and no pets of their own.
If Maurice could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
Is there anything else that you need?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Maurice could speak, who should voice him?
Maurice Chevalier.
What advice would Maurice give if asked?
“Stop caring what other people think. Only care what I think.”
Visit A.F. Brady's website.
--Marshal Zeringue