I’m Allie Larkin, author of the novels Stay, Why Can't I Be You, and Swimming for Sunlight, which all include lovable literary pups. I’m having coffee with my friend, Stella, who is an eleven-year-old German Shepherd.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
After she’s hit the yard and eaten breakfast, Stella likes to herd me over to sit with her for our usual quiet time. I have a folded futon mattress in my office that makes for an excellent meditation spot/dog bed, and we like to sit there while I drink my coffee. It is so peaceful.
What's brewing?
I’m pretty no frills about coffee. I like pour over best. Black or with a little soy milk. My two favorites are Philz Philharmonic roast and Caffe Appassionato’s Organic Shade Grown Emperor’s Blend.
Any treats for you or Stella on this occasion?
Stella is just getting over a tummy ache, so I’m doing the lame thing where I pretend her regular kibble is treats. It feels like the equivalent of giving out raisins on Halloween, but she doesn’t seem to mind. She eats Natural Planet kibble and is endlessly excited about it. She also loves Checkups dental bones and Zukes Mini Naturals.
How were you and Stella united?
Before we moved to the Bay Area, we lived in Rochester, NY. We had a German Shepherd named Argo (who was actually the cover-dog for the hardcover version of my first novel, Stay). When we had to travel, we used to board him at a great place just outside of Rochester. The people who ran the boarding facility knew of a thirteen-month-old German Shepherd who needed a new home and called to see if we’d be interested in adding to our family.

How did your dog get her name? Any aliases?
She didn’t answer to the name she had when she came to us, so we started making a list of possible names. Then my husband was telling me about Stellarium, which is an open source desktop planetarium, and suddenly Stella seemed like the perfect name. So, I suppose she’s actually named after software. I call her Stellar or Stells sometimes.
Does Stella do more to help or hinder your writing?
Once Stella made it through her teen dog angst, she became a pretty low key dog. In the book Quiet, Susan Cain mentions that animals can also be introverts. Stella is definitely an introvert dog. She wants to know where I am at all times, and she hangs out in the same room with me, but she likes her personal space. She’s the ideal office mate. As long as we stick to her walk-play-food schedule, she’s pretty content to let me work, and just having her physical presence in the room makes me happy.
Cat, postman, squirrel…?
There are a lot of cats who wander our neighborhood. Stella desperately wants to be friends, but they aren’t interested. At night, she needs to sniff around the yard to see where they’ve been.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick…?
Stella has a menagerie of stuffed animals that she grooms and cares for. Her current favorite is a Fluff & Tuff rabbit we call Rabbert. She knows him by name and will retrieve him if we ask where he is.

She loves our daily walks to a nearby P-A-R-K, but we’ve had the chance to take her backpacking in the Sierras a few times and she loved that. I also got to take her hiking to the Lost Coast up by Mendocino. It was her first time at the ocean, and she took it all in stride. She loved lying in the warm sand and watching the waves.
Who is Stella's best pet-pal?
Argo was the love of Stella’s life. After he passed away, she started getting fearful of other dogs. We thought about getting another dog, but ultimately decided it would be best for her to get our undivided attention. So, I suppose I am Stella’s best pet-pal now. I often joke that over our time together, Stella has become a little bit human and I’ve become a little bit dog.
What is Stella's best quality?
Stella is afraid of so many things, but she has never let her fear get in the way of being a good friend. I have so much respect for how hard she works to love fiercely. It’s inspiring.

I think Stella would prefer that I spend my entire day in one spot. She gets so annoyed when she’s settled herself and all her stuffed animals in my office and then I go to the kitchen to make lunch.
If Stella could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
I always wonder what she’s dreaming about when she runs in her sleep.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Stella could speak, who should voice her?
Has anyone ever gone wrong choosing Emma Thompson for anything?
What advice would Stella give if asked?
It’s important to know where your pack members are.
Visit Allie Larkin's website.
--Marshal Zeringue