In this photo you see me, Laura Sibson, with Nala, our 11-year-old female Labrador Retriever lying nearby on her dog bed. I am a writer living in the northwest corner of Philadelphia. My debut young adult novel The Art of Breaking Things has just been released on June 18! My favorite place to write is this kitchen table and Nala is never far from me.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
This is pretty much us every day. As a writer, I often work at home and Nala is my primary company. There are days when I don’t speak to anyone all day except for Nala. I’m grateful for her company.
What's brewing?
I’m so glad you asked! My favorite coffee is La Colombe. My husband and I are equally hooked on coffee so we have it delivered in 5 lb. bags. We brew traditional coffee at home, but when I write in a coffee house, I’ll treat myself to a latte.
Any treats for you or Nala on this occasion?
Nala is always up for treats. As a Labrador Retriever, she’s an opportunistic eater. Now that she’s an aging dog, her daily treats are the joint supplements that the vet recommended. I’m just happy with my coffee in this moment.
How were you and Nala united?
We found Nala through a recommendation from a friend. The breeder was located in New Jersey, which was only about a 45-minute drive from our home. So, on a cold February day, my two sons and I picked up the 8-week-old bundle of fluff that was Nala and brought her home.
How did your dog get her name? Any aliases?
When Nala came to us, our sons were 11 and 8 years old. My husband, sons and I made lists of possible names. Nala won because at that point, she looked like Nala from The Lion King. We also call her Fluffernutter because she’s fluffy and she’s the color of peanut butter.
Does Nala do more to help or hinder your writing?
Nala is an old dog now, so doesn’t hinder me at all. (As opposed to when she was a puppy, chewing everything in reach and making messes on the floor.) She helps me when I’m struggling in one of my stories because I find that walks always help to untangle story knots. And Nala is always up for a walk.
Has Nala inspired the creation of any fictional dogs?
Not yet! But I’ve had a couple of ideas that could pan out in future stories.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
The postman is at risk of getting licked to death if Nala is outside when he arrives. In her prime, she would dart after squirrels, deer and even a fox one time. But these days, she can’t be bothered.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Nala is a Retriever that loves to pick up items, but never brings them back. She chases balls and sticks – especially in the lake where we vacation. And she has a whole host of toys that she cycles through, greeting us at the door with any number of them.
Where is Nala's favorite outdoor destination?

Who is Nala's best pet-pal?
When I was working in higher education, she attended a daily dog party where she was able to run around with a half dozen dogs. But one of her favorite dog friends has always been Tonks, my friend’s rescue. We take long walks together and when I tell Nala that we are going to see Tonks, she wags her tail like crazy.
What is Nala's best quality?
I don’t think I can name just one! Nala is extremely gentle. Dogs that don’t get along with other dogs often get along with Nala and people who don’t like dogs often like Nala. She’s also very quiet. Oddly quiet, actually. I don’t think I’ve heard her bark in a year or more.
If Nala could change one thing about Philadelphians, what would it be?
Nala would urge Philadelphians to slow down and stop taking things so seriously.
If Nala could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
My husband and sons are suggesting that we get a puppy, reasoning that Nala will train the puppy by example. I’d ask Nala what she thinks of that idea – would she want a puppy in the house, and would she really train it?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Nala could speak, who should voice her?
Amy Poehler from when she voiced Joy in Inside Out.
What advice would Nala give if asked?
Nala would advise us to enjoy the journey and not be so focused on the destination. She’d definitely tell us to stop and smell the roses -- and the honeysuckle and the grass and the pee on that leaf down there.
Visit Laura Sibson's website.
--Marshal Zeringue