My name is Cate Holahan and the handsome hound to the right is Westley. He’s a pug/beagle mix, known as a puggle, and is eleven and a half years young. I’m a bestselling author of psychological thrillers and Westley is my uncertified therapy dog. Whenever I am penning a stressful scene, he’s there to let me pet him and takeaway some of my anxiety.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Westley and I have coffee together every morning after his morning walk, before I start writing.
What's brewing?
I have a Miele coffee maker and Starbucks blonde roast is brewing. Today, I’ve put some ice in it because it’s hot out here in NJ.
Any treats for you or Westley on this occasion?
Westley lives for treats. He’s chewing on some dehydrated chicken.
How were you and Westley united?
Westley and I found one another through a Craigslist post. Someone had a litter of puggles and he was the runt. Poor little guy had worms. I adopted him and got him to the vet. And he’s clearly not the runt anymore.
How did your dog get his name? Any aliases?
My husband and I named him Westley after the pirate in The Princess Bride. We’d hoped he would do “as you wish.” Like the Dread Pirate Roberts, he really does as he wishes.
Does Westley do more to help or hinder your writing?
Westley definitely helps me not feel so alone when I’m writing a scary or tense scene.
Has Westley inspired the creation of any fictional canines?
I love dogs, but I don’t really write about them.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
My dog catches squirrels. He has a strong prey drive, despite his age and his fondness for treats.

Squeaky ball.
Who is Westley's best pet-pal?
Westley loves his “cousin” Jack, a ten-year-old Australian shepherd (my sister’s dog). He also is infatuated with her cat and whines for her attention. But she wants nothing to do with him.
What is Westley's best quality?
He’s a good time guy. He loves everything. I think he even loves squirrels… just not in the way they’d appreciate.
If Westley could change one thing about New Jerseyans, what would it be?
If Westley could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
If he’s been happy.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Westley could speak, who should voice him?
Edward Norton.
What advice would Westley give if asked?
Don’t stress. Have a snack.
Visit Cate Holahan's website.
--Marshal Zeringue