I’m the human, Erin Flanagan, author most recently of the novel Blackout. Mavis is the Springer Spaniel (she just had a birthday and turned 10!) and Lorna is the Poodle (5).
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
All of us are so excited to get up in the morning for coffee and breakfast it’s amazing we can sleep at all. We’re writing this now (Erin is transcribing and all are contributing) after two bellies full of Purina Pro Plan and a spoonful of liverwurst (with pills hidden inside for Mavis; shh, don’t tell!) and a cup of coffee for Erin.
What's brewing?
Folgers Colombian with vanilla Premier Protein.
Any treats for you or the dogs on this occasion?
Just each others’ company (and the liverwurst mentioned above).
How were you and the dogs united?
Mavis was a gift from Erin’s soon-to-be fiancé, Barry, back in 2012. She was on leave from work for the year and Barry thought it would be a good time to get her the puppy she’d always wanted. Barry would be moving in a year later, and Erin’s father thought it was hilarious that he got her a puppy first so he wouldn’t have

Lorna came to us through 4 Paws for Ability, a local organization that trains service dogs for clients nationally. She flunked out of the program because she wasn’t willing to walk on the right side of her person, but is incredibly intelligent and sweet. Mavis has anxiety and Lorna is like her service animal. Whenever Mavis gets worked up, Lorna runs over and licks inside her ear which seems to really calm her down. She tried this with Erin once and it had the opposite effect.
How did Mavis and Lorna get their names? Any aliases?
About a week before Mavis came home, Erin was walking on a bike trail and someone behind her started calling “Mavis! Mavis!” She turned around and was being chased by a pig. The man yelling the name finally emerged and yelled, “Be careful!” Having grown up on a hog farm, Erin knew pigs could get mean so stayed still and hoped for the best. She still doesn’t know if the pig was family or dinner. Mavis’s nicknames are Hoob and F*cknut.
Lorna was named by Barry, a compromise Erin agreed to in order to get a second dog. Lorna also goes by Doone, Lor-pie, and Poodle.

Do your dogs do more to help or hinder your writing?
The dogs provide Erin with so much joy they are definitely a help, but she doesn’t always remember this when they start up one of their pointless barking sessions and annoy the crap out of her.
Have your dogs inspired you to create any fictional canines?
Oh, this is terrible. In Erin’s novel Deer Season there’s a Springer named Patty that bites a neighbor and gets shot.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
These dogs are equal opportunity annoying and will bark at absolutely anything, and sometimes at nothing just to let you know they’re still on the job. Their white whale is the Rumpke dump truck that comes on Friday mornings. If they ever catch that, they can retire.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
The best dog toy on the market is the Jolly Pets Tug-a-Mals animals in size Large. Any one of us would be happy to do a sponsorship deal.
Who are your dogs' best pet-pals?
They are best friends and also love it when their buddies Alma and Riley come to visit. Alma is a Black Lab/Golden Retriever (also from 4 Paws) and lives with Erin’s ex-husband, and Riley is a Goldendoodle who lives with Erin’s parents.

What is each dog's best quality?
Mavis is the most loving dog on the planet and looks at her people with so much adoration it’s almost embarrassing. Lorna is a self-sufficient problem solver, and when she shows affection it’s like you’ve won the lottery because she’s so selective. Both dogs appreciate you not asking for their worst qualities.
If Mavis and Lorna could change one thing about Ohioans, what would it be?
Less pollen would equal more walks outside.
If your dogs could answer only one question in English, what would you ask them?
Mavis, why must you bark at absolutely everything?
Lorna, exactly how high on the counters can you reach?

If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which your dogs could speak, who should voice them?
Mavis would be voiced by Eeyore. She’s not depressed, but the voice we use for her is very similar to this only not sad. Jane Lynch would be perfect for Lorna. She needs to be voiced by someone smart, confident, and condescending, who can portray that they think they’re better than everyone else, but still be loveable.
What advice would your dogs give if asked?
Mavis would tell you to stay vigilant. Do not let anyone pass without saying hello. They might have pets to give and they deserve the opportunity. Lorna would tell you to figure things out on your own. Erin’s advice is that everyone needs two such great dogs.
Visit Erin Flanagan's website.
The Page 69 Test: Blackout.
My Book, The Movie: Blackout.
--Marshal Zeringue