What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Today we met our great friends, Maggie and Archie [photo right], for a coffee and a slow amble around the park. When Jed was younger and we also had Amber, his gorgeous German Shepherd companion, Maggie and I belonged to a much larger group of dog-and-coffee lovers. Since most of these dogs are now dearly departed, we met today to reminisce about the wide-ranging conversations we shared and the funny scenes we caused.
What's brewing?

Any treats for you or Jed on this occasion?
We are all partial to a raspberry and white chocolate muffin with our coffee. Much too partial, in fact. The café we frequented for our larger walking group used to bake an extra tray on Saturdays just for us, such was the tradition we created!
How were you and Jed united?
Jed, Amber and I [photo bottom left] were united in 2001 at the Save-A-Dog Scheme, which is a rehoming centre founded by a friend of Maggie’s. I had been in Australia for two years and had bought a house with a yard that was just yearning for paws and noses. Amber took a little longer to settle, since she had been mistreated, but it was love at first sight for Jed and me!
How did Jed get his name? Any aliases?
Jed was the name given to him by the fantastic volunteers at the pound. It suited him well, so I saw no point in changing it.

Does Jed do more to help or hinder your writing?
Jed is my constant companion while I’m writing. In recent times, his contribution is limited to peaceful snoring in the background. Sometimes he makes me feel guilty for ignoring him, nudging my elbow or giving a disgruntled snort or two. These interruptions have mutual benefit however, because it encourages me to get up and walk around the garden for a few minutes! Otherwise, I would probably not move for hours and end up with really sore shoulders and a headache.
You used to be part of a larger group of coffee-drinking canine-lovers. What was that like?
Jed, Amber and I were part of a group of six humans and eight dogs who met every Saturday morning at Melbourne’s Botanic Gardens for a walk and a long breakfast. It was a great forum to discuss the events of the week and to air our views on changing the world. Our numbers would often swell to as many as 12, depending on who had visitors at the time. This is also where the muffin tradition first began!
We were often the centre of attention, particularly with children, who had never seen such a diverse bunch of dogs in one place before. Because Jed and Amber were so big, we needed lots of space, and other regulars were often kind enough to move so that we could arrange the tables.

Cat, postman, rabbit...?
Postman, definitely! Ours arrives on a whining motorcycle which is instantly recognisable. In fact, when I used to buy huge bones for Jed and Amber, I always referred to them as “Postman” and “Milkman”…
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Ball, and always someone else’s! No toy ever lasted too long though.
Who is Jed's best pet-pal?
Jed used to be very social and loved Max, Maggie’s previous dog. Nowadays he’s more a solitary fellow, even though he and Archie get on well. Everything’s a bit too much trouble these days, especially young, bouncy puppies. Amber was the dominant one at home, so now that Jed has me all to himself, I think he’s happier!
What is Jed's best quality?

Jed is my best friend, always loving and gentle. I would say his worst quality is his overactive digestive system, which is becoming increasingly unpredictable as he gets older!
If Jed could change one thing about Melburnians, what would it be?
I’d guess that Jed’s greatest wish would be to have more space between tables at cafés, but otherwise I think he’s quite happy. Melburnians are a dog-friendly community, on the whole.
If Jed could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
I would ask him whether he would recommend a dog’s life.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Jed could speak, who should voice him?
Even though he’s not originally from Australia, I would choose Sam Neill (Jurassic Park, The Dish, The Omen) to be Jed’s voice. Relaxed, sophisticated and sexy!
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--Marshal Zeringue
Thank you, Marshal, for giving us the opportunity to feature on your blog. It's great reading about everyone's canine caffeine experiences. Best wishes for 2014!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lorraine ... and a Happy New Year to you, too.
DeleteWin! Win! Lucky dogs and lucky people. How lovely to hear your story. Wishing you Lorraine, Jed and Co many, many more coffees! Luv Jan O