My name is Catherine Lloyd Burns. I am an actress, a writer and a baker. Shirley is my dog. She is a dachshund, beagle, terrier mix. She is four years old. She is perfect.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Every morning Shirley and I wake up, snuggle, and have breakfast. Mine is fruit, yogurt, granola and coffee. Hers is dry fish, sweet potato, extra fiber, a splash of yogurt and a bowl of water. After breakfast we have a walk and some couch time before I for go to work.
What's brewing?
I am very into this medium roast, fair trade/organic Brazilian from the Meathook. It is so yummy. I make in a French press because I broke the last 4 Chemex pots and am not allowed to buy anymore Chemex pots according to my husband. Chemex is my favorite way to prepare coffee and it makes a wonderful cup of coffee. I miss my Chemex.
Any goodies to go with the coffee?
I have a bowl of fruit, at the moment it is grated apple, with some plain yogurt and granola sprinkled on top.

Shirley and I met through Pet Finders. The on line dating site for people who need dogs and for dogs who need people.
Any treats for Shirley on this occasion?
Shirley will have a morning string bean or ten.
How did Shirley get her name? Does she have any nicknames?
Shirley was the only name we all agreed on. I wanted Fanny, my husband wanted Billie, and our daughter wanted to keep the name she already had which was Kessa. Her nickname is Mrs Wiggles because when she's excited to see you she wiggles towards you in the most singularly fantastic manner. If I've been away for work she is so wiggly when I come back that it looks like she might wiggle out of her spots.
How much--or how little--is Shirley like Cadbury, the dog in The Good, the Bad & the Beagle?

Tennis ball, stick, squeaky-toy...?
Her favorite toy is a piece of fake fur in the shape of a small square that has a squeaker in it.
Postman, cat, squirrel...?
My neighbor Bill.
What is Shirley's most endearing quality?
Her ears and her face and her entire personality.

Nicky, the Pomeranian down the block.
Where is Shirley's favorite place for an outing?
Prospect Park during off leash time.
If Shirley could change one thing about Brooklynites, what would it be?
They know food.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Shirley could speak, who should voice her?
My friend Connie Shulman from Orange is the New Black.
If Shirley could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
What are you thinking about?
Visit Catherine Lloyd Burns's website.
--Marshal Zeringue
Please tell Shirley that Jennifer from British Columbia says hi, and give her a great big scratch behind the ears for me. :)