My name is Amy Giles, and I’m a young adult author. My debut Now Is Everything is available November 7th. The sassy girl with the racing stripe down the middle of her head is Sally, my faithful canine companion. Sally is five years old. Because she’s a muttigree, our best guess is she’s a Shepherd mix with some Jack Russell.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Sally joins me every morning for coffee and snuggles. Since I work from home, she’s always by my side. We’re both homebodies.
What's brewing?
I’m not much of a bean snob (unlike Hadley’s father in Now Is Everything). Today’s selection is Eight O’Clock Coffee, on sale from Stop & Shop, but perked in my electric percolator. I have a French Press in case of emergency (power outage), but I have no idea how to use it, TBH.
Any treats for you or Sally on this occasion?
Sally gets a sprinkle of grated cheese on her morning kibble. She’s fancy that way. I’m having a Kind breakfast bar.

A few weeks after our dog Max went over the rainbow bridge, my family felt the time was right to go to the shelter and adopt a new pup. I didn’t think I was ready; my heart was still shattered. But they talked me into it, and I’m so glad they did. Sally was curled up in a tiny ball in her cage. When they pulled her out and handed her to me, it was love at first sight. Sally wrapped her paws around my neck and wouldn’t let go.
How did your dog get her name? Any aliases?
Ha, welllll…my daughter Maggie named her Sally after Charlie Brown’s sister. My daughter Julia gave her the middle name of Hugsalot, because of Sally’s paws wrapped around my neck. That later evolved into Sally Peesalot when she urinated all over the vet’s office a few weeks later.
Does Sally do more to help or hinder your writing?
Sally is usually a great writing companion. If she needs to go out, she’ll put a gentle paw on my arm to tell me, “Okay, stop now and open the back door.” But one day when I had a deadline looming on a significant revision, a cute bunny took up residence in our flower bed. Sally barked out the window all day. That wasn’t fun.
Has Sally inspired the creation of any dogs in your fiction?

Cat, postman, rabbit...?
Squirrels, cats, rabbits, other dogs…any critter that dares to walk by the house will elicit the canine alarm. Nighttime can be brutal when the raccoons and possums come out to play.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
We’ve been trying to teach Sally how to fetch for five years. It’s still a game of catch me if you can.
Who is Sally's best pet-pal?
Sally plays nicely with Indiana, Franklin, and Augie. She just doesn’t pick up on the cues when they’re tired and no longer want to play. Indiana once hid behind a hydrangea bush to get away from Sally when he’d had enough.
What is Sally's best quality?
She is super lovable with everyone. She really is one of the most affectionate dogs I’ve ever met.

She’d want me to share her same boundless energy.
If Sally could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
“Sally, what do you think happened in that last episode of The Sopranos?”
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Sally could speak, who should voice her?
Amy Adams or Emma Stone.
What advice would Sally give if asked?
“See that deceptively benign patch of grass over there? Do not…I repeat…do not crawl on your belly over that. That’s a Yellowjacket nest. You do not want those buggers nipping at your nether regions. Trust me!”
Visit Amy Giles's website.
--Marshal Zeringue
Canine-grats on the publication. Sweet little Sally is an adorable side-kick.