The being with less of a beard in this photograph is me, mostly human writer Kira Jane Buxton. The four-legged, bearded chap is my canine partner-in-crime, Ewok. He is ten years young and a Brussels Griffon. We were, naturally, cosplaying as Sherlock Holmes and Watson in this picture.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
We stopped by our local Viennese coffee shop. It’s beautiful and very fancy, and you are not allowed to order things by their American names. Instead of latte, you must say “wiener melange.” I find this wonderful, whimsical, and occasional hysterical.
What's brewing?
I am very pathetic and can’t handle coffee anymore, so I order a decaf with almond milk and vanilla, which means I am an utter embarrassment to the city of Seattle.
Any treats for you or Ewok on this occasion?
Cafe Vienna has a drive through window, which Ewok loves going through. He whines, sticks his head out of the car window and “performs” for a snack. We recently got a new car with tinted windows, and in his anxiety that the barista can’t see him through those dark windows he has developed this manic routine where he barks like the UPS man is breaking in and scratches manically at the new leather seats. This is very effective and he gets lifted to the front seat so that he can flirt with his barista. He often receives a Milk Bone that is the appropriate size for a Great Dane and we have to ration it into bits because he gets anxious if his treats are too large.
How were you and Ewok united?
We got Ewok from a breeder when we were living in LA. It was love at first sight (as a puppy he looked like a little bald gremlin with long wisps of dark hair, with a natural prancing gait, mohawk and full beard). We brought him home and he was partially raised by one of my three rescue cats.

There was really no other choice. We considered “Wicket” and also “Fizzgig” but Ewok just fit him so perfectly. Every time we go anywhere, people yell, “Dude! Your dog looks like an Ewok!” It’s very satisfying.
Does Ewok do more to help or hinder your writing?
He’s an enormous helper. Brussels Griffons are velcro dogs, so he and I do almost everything together. He’s very good about recognizing when I’ve been sitting typing too long and it’s time for us to go on some sort of adventure. I write full time from home, so I spend more time with Ewok than anyone else.
Have any actual dogs ever inspired dogs in your fiction?
In Hollow Kingdom, I write from the perspective of animals, many of whom have been inspired by real animals. One of the main characters is a bloodhound named Dennis, who I think in part was inspired by our family dog, Douglas. Douglas was a very special dog my mom rescued from drowning in a Singapore storm drain. I also once knew a Weimaraner named Raja who was hellbent on getting into trouble and I think young Dennis was a little inspired by him.
Cat, postman, squirrel…?
All of them. Squirrels are for chasing, even off-limits squirrels like my backyard buddy, Earl The Squirrel. Ewok has three cats at home, so by extension, this means that all the kitties in the world belong to him. He likes the mailman, but by thunder, if he hears the mail truck or worst still, a UPS truck, he goes bananas! I even introduced him to the UPS man to try and sort this prejudice out. Now he loves the UPS man, but the truck he drives—that truck is nefarious and cannot be trusted.

Ball, squeaky-toy, stick…?
Squeaky toys—Justin Beaver, Lionel Richie, Bun DMC, and Mr. Blue.
Where is Ewok's favorite outdoor destination?
He likes to walk around the neighborhood and tries to convince me to walk into the homes of people we know (and sometimes those we don’t). He also loves kids and tries to follow them home. I have been trying to explain the human concept of “trespassing’ to him for quite some time.
Who is Ewok's best pet-pal?
China, the puggle. Also, sometimes Kabuki, the Siamese cat who raised him, but only sometimes. A lot of times, he’s biting her on her butt without provocation.
What is Ewok's best quality?
He makes everyone laugh everywhere he goes. Grown men giggle as he walks by, children squeal in delight. Everyone loves Ewok and it is a pleasure to see him spread so much joy (we have to factor in an additional twenty minutes anytime we go anywhere so people can fuss over him.)

Their annoying habit of leaving their doors locked.
If Ewok could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
I’d ask him what adventures he’d like to go on (and then while I had his full attention, quickly add “your farts are neither dangerous or a conspiracy, dude, I promise”). I was going to say “I’d tell him how much I adore him”, but he already knows that.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Ewok could speak, who should voice him?
Benedict Cumberbatch. There is no other option.
What advice would Ewok give if asked?
Enjoy your life. Make sure to sniff some flowers, sit in the sun, have a tasty snack, love the people in your life fiercely, and laugh a lot (Ewok has a great sense of humor and he’s all about hedonism). And for god sakes, keep your beard long and luscious.
Visit Kira Jane Buxton's website.
--Marshal Zeringue
Your little Ewok is adorably pawsome!