The sweet pup to the right is Daisy. She is a three-year-old West Highland Terrier who is as friendly as she is cute. My name is Lisa M. Miller, and I write books that make you want to sleep with the lights on. I help readers face the unknown from the comfort of their reading spaces.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
The morning routine consists of French press coffee with Daisy by my side. It's not the smell of fresh ground beans that motivates Daisy, but the sound of the toaster.
What's brewing?
Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast in the French press.
Any treats for you or Daisy on this occasion?
Daisy is enjoying a pumpkin treat from her favorite gourmet shop, Three Dog Bakery. We splurged on some fancy snacks, it is her birthday month after all!
A few years ago, we surprised our sons with a huge Christmas present. As they opened a box for an Xbox gaming system, out jumped a ten week-old Westie.
How did your dog get her name? Any aliases?
She is named after Daisy Buchanan, without all of the Gatsby drama.
Does Daisy do more to help or hinder your writing?
Before I settle in to write or edit, she needs to go for a walk or play with her basket of toys. If not, I will find a pile of stuffed animals at my feet or barking directed towards her leash.
Please tell us about your new novel.
My new YA Thriller, My Skull Possession, released on October 15th, the same day as Daisy's birthday.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?

Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
She loves her nesting toys. A small plush stump with, what else, little squirrels inside.
Where is Daisy's favorite outdoor destination?
Daisy has visited the beach a few times. She is not a fan of the water but loves hanging out with her family.
Who is Daisy's best pet-pal?
Daisy has a doppelganger who lives down the street from us. She and Mia are good pals.
What is Daisy's best quality?
She is a delightful little dog with a great disposition. But if she senses something is wrong, look out. She'll protect her family with a big dog attitude.

Less screen time. More fresh air and green time.
If Daisy could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
Do you know how unbelievably cute and loved you are?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Daisy could speak, who should voice her?
Michelle Williams. Her response when told she gets to go for more walks, “Oh, how gorgeous!”
What advice would Daisy give if asked?
Life is short. Take the trip. Eat the cake. If you don't, I will.
Watch a trailer for My Skull Possession.
Visit Lisa M. Miller's website, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.
--Marshal Zeringue
Daisy is adorably cute and VERY practical on the advice front. 😊