What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
This is actually our post-tea morning hike. Taking full advantage of a gorgeous fall morning in the mountains!
Any treat for your dogs on this occasion?
The treat bag contains Cheerios and dried salmon bits.
How did your dogs come to be united with you?
We adopted Boo in October of 2002 from a shelter. She was a very skinny, wild-looking unclaimed stray. When our vet first met her he said, “Looks like you have a coy-dog.” His best guess was she’s a border collie/blue healer/coyote mix. Six months later, we adopted Teddy from Sheltie Rescue of Utah. I desperately wanted a Sheltie and Boo needed a friend. Then, last September, I realized that my “puppies” were getting older. Teddy is almost 11 and Boo is probably nine. In a fit of panic, I adopted Sherlock from Sheltie Rescue of Utah. Little Sherlock had spent the first three years of his life living in a tiny cage at a puppy mill. Now, every day is an exciting adventure for him!
Absolutely! In my teen novel, The Ring, the family has two dogs who are very much a part of the family. The main character takes refuge in the unconditional love the two “goofballs” provide. In my middle grade novel due out in early 2011, 11-year-old Abby loses her beloved Sheltie, Tam, when their car crashes on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I like to think the love I have for my dogs and the love I receive from them permeates every page of that book. At least I hope so!
How did they get their names?
The shelter we adopted Boo from had named her Calamity Jane. My husband renamed her Boo since we adopted her just before Halloween. For some reason, the name fits her! Both Teddy and Sherlock came with their names.

Boo is also known as Booberry, Booser, and Bamboozler. Teddy has more dignified nicknames: Mr. Ted and Professor Longnose. Sherlock has too many nicknames to count, but my favorites are Scooter, Barko Polo, and Chucky.
Tennis ball, stick, frisbee...?
Sherlock LOVES to chase and fetch tennis balls and sticks! He does it, like he does everything else, with 200% enthusiasm. Teddy likes to chase Boo, and Boo chases chickmunks, rabbits, deer, moose, elk… you get the idea.
They go out in the back yard first thing to do their morning business and to let everyone know they’re awake. Then we have breakfast. They wait somewhat patiently while I check my email, then we go for a walk along the creek by our house. When we get back, they get chewies and mom sits down at her computer to “work.” This they tolerate for about two hours. Once they’ve had enough of mom sitting at the computer they wrestle in her office until she closes her laptop and gets up for another walk, or better yet, a hike!
Who is each dog's best pet-pal?
Sherlock loves his kitty, Kami. Boo has a best friend at doggy play day—a pug named Bubbles. Teddy has a major crush on a gorgeous Aussie named Zephyr. They’re hiking buddies are Iggy, Cooper, Zephyr, and Sydney.
Boo is just extremely sweet and very, very smart. Teddy is thoughtful and dignified. Sherlock is the most enthusiastic little boy ever! It’s like he’s making up for all those years in the puppy mill.
What are your dogs’ favorite TV shows?
Boo loves The Amazing Race because it’s full of running and chasing. Teddy much prefers Masterpiece Theater, and Sherlock is a huge fan of Animal Planet.
Bobbie Pyron, who holds degree in Psychology and Anthropology and a Masters Degree in Library Science, is a part-time librarian in the Salt Lake County Library system.

Pyron lives in Park City with her husband, Todd, and her shelties.
Her debut YA novel, The Ring, is available this month.
Learn more about The Ring and its author at Bobbie Pyron's website and blog.
--Marshal Zeringue