I’m Kevin Lee Jacobs, the creator of the food and lifestyle blog A Garden for the House. In my arms is Lily the Beagle, my 6 1/2-year-old best friend. She’s also my sous-chef and, on occasion, my taste-tester. A more enthusiastic kitchen-helper doesn’t exist.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Just now we’re enjoying the morning sunshine in the Herb Garden. Then it’s back to work! I’m writing a cook book that covers Brunch, Afternoon Tea, the Cocktail Hour, Dinner and Dessert.
What's brewing?
A Columbian blend, fortified with heavy cream. Skim milk is against my religion.
Any treats for you or Lily on this occasion?
A scone for me. Lily had boiled chicken and veggies for breakfast, so no treat for her until tea time.
Your blog, A Garden for the House, is very lively. Does Lily play much of a role in it?
Are you kidding? My blog has made Lily an internet star!

Well, it's a sad story with a happy ending. Six years ago she was abandoned by her former owner. Then she was struck by a car in front of our house. My partner and I saved her, and gave her the medical attention she needed. Then we adopted her.
Who is Lily's best pet-pal?
She has two -- our cats Tiger and Camille.
Where is Lily's favorite outdoor destination?
Any place where squirrels are present.
Squeaky toy, ball, stick...?
She can’t resist a squeaky, stuffed hedgehog. She also loves rawhide bones.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
Squirrels, definitely.
What is Lily's best quality?

Like all dogs, she gives love unconditionally. She’s also very musical -- you should hear her sing when the noon whistle blows. She matches the pitch!
If Lily could change one thing about New Yorkers, what would it be?
She likes New Yorkers just the way they are.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Lily could speak, which actor should do her voice?
Bette Midler. Or maybe Vera Farmiga.
If Lily could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
Like all dogs, Lily dreams when she sleeps. I'd love to know what, exactly, those dreams entail!
Visit the A Garden for the House blog, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.
--Marshal Zeringue
Your book sounds yummy and I can't wait to check out your blog. LOVE Beagles and Lily looks like a star, she's for sure a very lucky girl and seems to have had had her unfortunate stars line up the day your paths crossed. What a find for you!