Hi, that’s me, Kathy, in the photo. I live in San Diego, CA with my favorite canine companion, Lucy and my husband, Bill. I'm also a new author of the mystery-suspense: A Life Unbroken: The Alex McKay Series by K.M. Hewitt.
My dog’s name is Lucy, and when I come home I often announce: Lucy, I’m home! Those of you who remember the ‘I Love Lucy’ show will thoroughly understand! Lucy is our sweet, 14 year old standard schnauzer.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
We are celebrating the release of my new paperback and ebook: A Life Unbroken: The Alex McKay series.
What's brewing?
First thing each morning, Lucy wakes me for her breakfast. I head into the kitchen to make a Nespresso coffee with coconut creamer and then prepare breakfast for Lucy. I also love to pick up vanilla lattes during the day! I just can’t make them as good at home.
Any treats for you or Lucy on this occasion?
Because Lucy is on a medication schedule, I try to make her treats a special time. Who likes to take pills? So I wrap (aka, hide) her pills in a bit of soft food, which she happily accepts, and then I follow up with a small treat. She used to try and ditch pill time but not anymore since I’ve learned how to disguise the pill taste. Now, Lucy reminds me when its pill-time because she knows two tasty treats are on the way. She never lets me forget that two treats are expected. What I didn’t expect and it came as a surprise, Lucy will stand in the doorway of my office to remind me its time for her pill, or should I say, pill-treats, and doesn’t run and hide anymore. It works for us! As for myself, I’m a born grazer and I love all the pastry treats that go so well with coffee!
How did Lucy get her name?
Lucy is named after Lucille Ball, one of the funniest comedians that always made me laugh. Her shows seem timeless with the same funny issues in life today.
How were you and Lucy united?
We adopted Lucy at 4 months of age and she been a wonderful, lively and engaging companion ever since.

Absolutely! Dogs, and animals in general, have been a part of my life from a very young age. Dogs especially, have always been there for me, through thick and thin. They love you endlessly and are always happy to see you walk through the door. I love so many things about dogs. In A Life Unbroken, Alex McKay has two canine companions that are very important in her life.
Does Lucy do more to help or hinder your writing?
Lucy actually helps my writing in a variety of ways. She reminds me to take a break from my work. She'll appear in the doorway and stand there until she gains my attention. Then, I'll realize it’s pill and treat time for Lucy, or she needs a bio-break, or both! Lucy quietly lays nearby wherever I am and checks in on me from time to time. Just knowing she is nearby is always a source of comfort to me.
Who is Lucy's best pet-pal?
Now, I’m Lucy’s best pal, although up until last May, her best bud and constant companion was a rescue dog named Schoobie. We lost him to bone cancer and we were all at quite a loss for him. Schoobie was a 1 year old standard poodle rescue when he arrived 12 years ago, and in very poor health. On the day Schoobie arrived, he stood in a corner of our yard, shaking with fear. He was pretty frightened of his new environment and as my husband and I were deciding what to do next, Lucy looked around, picked up one of her stuffy toys, and placed it at Schoobie's feet, sat down and nodded towards Schoobie as if to say: It’s okay, you’re gonna love it here! From that day on, a very shy and sensitive Schoobie never left Lucy’s protective side. She took Schoobie under her wing for his entire life. We all miss him very much.
Where is Lucy's favorite outdoor destination?
Each morning and evening, Lucy looks forward to a walk around the neighborhood so she can greet other dogs.
Squeaky toy, ball, stick…?
At 14 years of age, Lucy’s favorite pastimes are: treats, eating, sleeping and short walks.
Cat, postman, squirrel…?
Occasionally, Lucy has it in her to show the UPS man that she’s still on the job with a slight growl!

Lucy seems to sense dogs who have had a tough life. She is kindest and most gentle towards them but doesn’t tolerate ill-behaved dogs. Lucy also has a funny and endearing side and we nicknamed her ‘Hoover’ because she walks around scooping up food crumbs off the tile.
If Lucy could change one thing about Californians, what would it be?
Lucy would have the cars slow down since she has slowed down a bit crossing the street. Some drivers are too fast.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Lucy could speak, which actor should do her voice?
I could definitely hear Helen Mirren’s voice. Lucy has a certain dignity about herself. Schnauzer folks would understand.
If Lucy could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
Are you enjoying life with us?
Visit K.M. Hewitt's website and Facebook page.
--Marshal Zeringue
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