Mabel, top left, is a 3-year-old cream shaded mini dachshund. Mabel's best friend is Alfie, top right, an 8-year-old shaded red standard dachshund. I’m Wendy Clark, author and the owner of these two adorable and quirky dachshunds.
I am a retired nurse and work as a bereavement counsellor, spiritual medium and healer. I graduated from Exeter University with a degree in Humanities several years ago.
My work as an author began with my autobiography, telling of my journey through life. Then followed four more children’s books. My most recent publication is entitled Magical Mabel’s Adventure in the Tower of London. In this story Mabel and Alfie invite children to learn about historical places, making history fun and easy to understand . All my books have a moral at the end which encourages children to stay safe and respect other people’s property.

Today myself, Mabel & Alfie are celebrating our press release for Magical Mabel’s Adventure in the Tower of London, and toasting its success with a nice cup of coffee.
What’s brewing?
My coffee is a “Costa latte” prepared in our brand new coffee machine.
Any treats for you or Mabel & Alfie on this occasion?
Nothing for Mabel and Alfie as they have to watch what they eat in case they get a call for a photo shoot. They are on a strict diet (sometimes.) But they do like carrots.
How did your dogs get their name? Any aliases?
Mabel is sometimes known as Maybelline, probably because she has long eyelashes and looks as if she wears mascara.
Alfie is also called Alfie Moon, from a character in an English TV programme called Eastenders.
How were you and your dogs united?

We were very sad as we lost Ruby our mini black & tan dachshund to cancer and the house felt so empty without Ruby and Alfie looked very sad and lonely. So I contacted the breeder where we had bought Ruby just to inform her that we had lost her and one of her dachshunds had recently had a litter of puppies. Myself, my daughter and Alfie went to collect her and were told that she was related to Ruby, so it just felt right.
When we found Alfie we had never seen a Standard Dachshund and were quite eager to see what the breed was like. So we went just to have “a look”, but fell in love with Alfie straight away and the rest is history.
How do your dogs help or hinder your work?
With these particular children’s books they have helped me so much as they are based on them and their crazy adventures. They are also very sensitive dogs and also help in my spiritual healing work.
Have your dogs inspired the creation of any fictional dogs?
No, not fictional characters, they play themselves in the series of “Magical Mabel”. The books are based on them and their quirky behaviour.

Mabel, surprisingly is not keen on any toys, but worships the sun and just loves her creature comforts. She may use a toy to rest her on head when she sleeps. Sometimes she treats Alfie as a big cuddly toy and chases him all the time.
Alfie loves to play, and steals Mabel’s toys as well, but she's not really bothered, because she loves him so much.
Squirrel, postman, cat?
Mabel and Alfie are partial to the odd postman and love to run after the cats in the neighbourhood. Luckily for the cats they never catch them.
Who are your dog’s best pet pals?
Each other of course. They are inseparable!! They have playmates Lucy, the wire haired dachshund and Fred the standard poodle who they meet on their walks. They also love a cat named Biscuit, who thinks he is a dog. Mabel has dachshund friends Jeffrey and Alan who regularly review her books on their blog.
What is each dog’s best quality?

Mabel is cute, lovable and cuddly she's always there when you need a friend.
If your dogs could change one thing about you, what would it be?
They would love to be with me constantly.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which dogs could speak, which actors should do their voices?
Alfie - Benedict Cumberbatch. Mabel- Marilyn Monroe.
If your dogs could answer only one question in English, what would you ask them?
I would ask them if I could have my half of the bed back.
What advice would your dogs give if asked?
Enjoy every moment and have fun, fun, fun.
Visit Wendy Clark's website, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.
--Marshal Zeringue
Beautiful dogs and beautiful story - but I have to say, either you are petite or your dachshunds are huge! Ha ha ha. I may be off; my friends have miniatures. Lovely story and best of luck with your books. They look great; nice art.