I'm Rebecca Ross and I write Young Adult Fantasy books. And this is my dog, Sierra. She's a six year old Australian Shepherd with a lot of personality!
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
I am a coffee addict. I cannot start my day without it, so Sierra has coffee with me every morning.
What's brewing?
Eight o' Clock Coffee in the Hazelnut flavor.
How were you and Sierra united?
I found Sierra on a puppy listing. I drove 3 hours to meet her and her brothers and sisters, and she was like a ball of energy charging through the grass at my feet. And I knew she was the one I was supposed to take home.
How did your dog get her name? Any aliases?
My husband and I were trying to think of a good name for her when I randomly thought of the Sierra Nevadas. And I was like, oh, Sierra is the perfect name for her. She doesn't have an alias but she has accumulated a few nicknames. "Boo Bear" is probably my favorite.
Does Sierra do more to help or hinder your writing?
Sierra is great about curling up the armchair in my office and snoozing while I write. But when it's time to go out and play, she definitely lets me know. She'll nuzzle her nose beneath my elbow until I relent. And I've typically been working for a few hours at that point, so it's always time for a little break.
Has Sierra inspired the creation of any fictional dogs?
Sierra actually did inspire a fictional dog in my debut, The Queen's Rising! I simply could not write a story without a dog, to be honest.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
Sierra's one true nemesis are squirrels.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Frisbee. Sierra loves to play frisbee. She's very agile and has tons of energy to burn every day, so this is the perfect activity for her.
Where is Sierra's favorite outdoor destination?
My in-laws have a farm, and whenever we pull into their driveway and Sierra sees the open fields...she can hardly contain herself. So I would say she loves wide open spaces.

My parents have an Aussie who Sierra has known since she was a puppy. The two of them are good friends (until they fight over the Frisbee).
What is Sierra's best quality?
Sierra is a committed, faithful dog. She does everything with 100%. She always gives the best she has, and I love that about her.
If Sierra could change one thing about Georgians, what would it be?
Hmm...I think she would make us all go outdoors more. Get out of our of offices and take more time off of work to enjoy outdoor activities.
If Sierra could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
I would ask her what she dreams about! Every now and then, she'll twitch and growl and yelp in her sleep, and I always wonder what she's dreaming about.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Sierra could speak, who should voice her?
I think Daisy Ridley would be perfect.
What advice would Sierra give if asked?
Sierra's advice would go along the lines of this: Give your best, love all people, and take naps every now and then.
Visit Rebecca Ross's website.
The Page 69 Test: The Queen's Rising.
--Marshal Zeringue
Looks like a dynamite book. And how could you go wrong with an Aussie at it's author's feet during it creation?