What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
My dogs love a car ride, but they don't want to get out of the car. They don't do well in public. I must have failed in socializing them but not for lack of trying!!! I just think my wheatens are sensitive and love their home just like their mom/me!
What's brewing?
Sadly for my pooches, they really do love their home and resist most outings. They love running through the fenced yard and chasing each other, but as for Starbucks trips, I'm all by my lonesome and I order a Grande, decaf, sugar free vanilla soy latte.

Only in my imagination. Have to watch calories especially in Starbucks!
Any treat for Bailey and Buddy on this occasion?
If it's a really cold day, I'll make an individual coffee at home - a decaf vanilla flavored drink from a Keurig coffee maker. Then the dogs will get their biscuits as treats to munch on.
How did you and Bailey and Buddy come together?
Well. Buddy who is 12 obviously came first. When my husband and I first lived together in Manhattan, we had a Maltese named Spike, who turned aggressive after my first child was born and we gave him to a single person who could lavish him with all the love and attention he needed. Trust me, this wasn't easy and I swore I'd never get that attached again.

Have Bailey and Buddy influenced your writing?
They're always around, insisting they need attention, so of course I am very animal focused and aware. I tend to put animals in some of my stories because I think they can add a fun humorous element.

Buddy was named by my then 6 year old daughter and Bailey was mine - I wanted another "B". I guess that's the writer in me. Wanted some alliteration.
Buddy's aliases - Buddy Boy, My Main Man, and he lifts his head when he hears the word "Dog."
Bailey's aliases - Her main one is BABY GIRL but her others, depending on her mood - Goofball, freak, goofy girl, nut job, ... I'm guessing you can see her personality in these!
Squirrel, cat, snowman...?
UPS and Fed Ex man. I have the strangest wheatens. For terriers, they truly co-exist with the rabbits, squirrels etc. in the yard (thank goodness) but if they see the UPS or FedEx man coming up the walk, my two docile dogs turn into wild things and the Fed Ex man drops the boxes and runs. Seriously he's petrified.

Galileo Bone. Made by Nylabone. That's the ONLY toy they both love, the only toy that interests them (12 years and running for Buddy) ... occasionally Bailey will pick up a squeaky toy but there's a pile of toys in the corner of my room and the only one they want is the Galileo Bone. We have about 4 of them. Interestingly, two bones can be on the bed and the only one Bailey wants is the one Buddy has and she takes it right out of his mouth and he lets her. I can't figure it out.
Who are Bailey and Buddy's best pet-pals?
Each other. Sort of. They have a odd relationship if you ask me. At home, they lay near each other. Never cuddle, snuggle, etc. Never play together inside unless its around 2 PM and Bailey starts her play bowing and growling to get him to chase her in the house at which point I open the back door and let them go flying around the yard. Otherwise they ignore each other.

What's each dog's best quality?
Buddy is a snuggler. The best part of my weekend is when I can nap with him curled into me. Bailey is a goofball that makes everyone laugh. But in Bailey's life, it's all about HER. In Buddy's life, it's all about US.
What's each dog's proudest moment? Most embarrassing?
Bailey's proudest moment - as a puppy she let herself out of the crate and attempted to free Buddy; then a month ago she was at the vet because she needed hydration and she escaped from her crate there and made a break for the waiting room.

Bailey's most embarrassing moment - she was asked to repeat doggie kindergarten. They claimed it was because she started very young but I think they were just being nice.
Buddy's most embarrassing moment - When Bailey sat on his head. Oh and the time when he pulled a half frozen turkey down from the counter the night before Thanksgiving, nearly missed giving himself a concussion, then ate enough of the turkey that I couldn't fix it up and serve anyway.
Learn more about New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips -- and read reviews and excerpts from her books -- at her official website, the Plotmonkeys blog, and her Facebook fan page (where there is a link to email questions to Buddy & Bailey).
--Marshal Zeringue