What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Sadie's "home" is our kitchen. When I make coffee, she's always sitting in a corner next to the stove. As I brew the Joe, Sadie, with her Doxie nose, knows she may be the recipient of a tasty morsel -- and maybe a few gulps of decaf latte, her favorite. On long car trips, she insist we stop by a Starbucks every couple hundred miles for a "drive-thru" caffeine fix.
What's brewing?
For me, straight dark roast, Jamaican. For Sadie, she likes a German latte. (Yes, the Germans can brew more than beer.)
Any goodies to go with the coffee?
Absolutely, deep dish apple pie.
Any treat for Sadie on this occasion?
Sadie prefers cheese on her slice.
How were you and Sadie united?
My wife. Yep, unknown to me, of course, my wife tiptoed into the home one day with this tiny facsimile of a dog. Sadie filled out, horizontally only, and she also filled our hearts.

Yes, she does. In my first novel, A False Dawn, the protagonist, Sean O'Brien, has just lost his wife to cancer. Maxine (the dachshund) becomes O'Brien's only family. She's a good listener and more than cathartic as O'Brien tries to heal inside. The presence of Max in the story gives O'Brien, in a first-person narrative, a way to express his thoughts. This allows the reader a better insight into O'Brien.
How did Sadie get her name? Does she have any aliases?
My wife chose the name.
Squirrel, cat, postman...?
Sadie is a hunter. It's in the ol' German genes. Living in Florida, she has year-round opportunities to "stalk" lizards, squirrels and anything that slithers in the back yard.
Tennis ball, Frisbee, squeaky-toy...?
Nope, Sadie only goes after this things with a pulse.
Who is Sadie's best pet-pal?
Barley, her "younger brother."
What's Sadie's most endearing quality?
Sadie has an "old soul" personality. She's wise. She is not intimidated by anything. But she's not aggressive in terms of biting someone. She's got the heart of a lion, quick mind, and permanent eyeliner beneath her big, brown eyes.
What's Sadie's proudest moment? Her most embarrassing?
Sadie's proudest moment, I think, was when she first swam a lap around our pool. She's infatuated with water, kind of like a little lab. Her most startling moment was when she was in Michigan for a while. It had snowed heavy during the night. The next morning, Sadie ran out the door, jumped off the step, and we could only see the tip of her tail as she became a snow mole.

A False Dawn, his first novel published by St. Martin’s Press, introduced former homicide detective Sean O'Brien.
His new novel is The 24th Letter.
Watch the trailer for The 24th Letter, and learn more about the book and author at Tom Lowe's website.
The Page 69 Test: The 24th Letter.
--Marshal Zeringue