What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
I stopped at Auntie Judy’s house for coffee with the dogs on the way to City Bark at City Park in New Orleans.
What's brewing?
I’m having coffee, lots of sugar and a ton of cream. That's how I roll with cinnamon buns.
Any treat for your dogs on this occasion?
How were you and your dogs united?
Zak and Lilly are my late boyfriend Todd's dogs. He passed away 9 months ago. We were together 3 years, so the dogs are like my dogs. Auntie Judy is Todd's aunt. The dogs stay with her. She has a house and a nice yard. I live in a shoe box. But I help take care of them and love them any chance I get.
Zak was rescued after Katrina. Todd found him under a house he was working on and took him home and brought him back to happy and healthy. We got Lilly at the pound a few years later.
How did your dogs get their names?
Zak just looked like a Zak. Lilly is named after Todd's grandma.
Definitely tennis ball!
You live in New Orleans where a new dog park just opened at City Park. Have you visited it yet?
I love the new dog park--City Bark. It is beautiful and big and a great play place for dogs!
You rock...for a living, on the radio. Which musician has the coolest dog you've met?
Besides Zak and Lilly, the coolest dog I have ever met belongs to my friend Shannon, who is a world renowned rock photographer. Chris Robinson from the Black Crowes has a cool dog, too!
Who are Zak and Lilly's best pet-pals?
If your dogs could change one thing about you, what would it be?
They would have me feed them more people food! I won’t do it!
What's each dog's best quality?
Best quality about Zak is that he is cuddly and kind and just a big lovable dog. You HAVE to smile and be happy when you are around Zak. Lilly is more hyper and is a good watch-dog. She snores loud but Zak is used to it.
What's each dog's proudest moment? Most embarrassing?
One of Zak and Lilly's silliest moments came the first day at City Bark. Of the whole big park, they found the one small mud puddle and rolled around in it. Soon
Also, Lilly likes to "tease." She gets in position for boy dogs to "come up behind her" ... then when they do, she gets mad. Just like a woman.
One of their proudest moments came when we first taught them how to swim. It took a while for them to jump in the pool on their own. They finally did it and now love to swim.
Dogs are for sure better than humans. And I love mine!
Katina "Kat" Kageleiry is Program Director and afternoon on-air personality at WKBU, Bayou 95.7, New Orleans.
Listen to Kat online noon-6 P.M. weekdays.
Visit Kat's blog and Facebook page.
--Marshal Zeringue