What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
I have my coffee while I check my e-mails. Maddie prefers a little bowl of milk.
What's brewing?
Just plain coffee with some sweetener and a flavored cream. I especially like hazelnut. Maddie takes her milk straight.
Any goodies to go with the coffee?
Toast and jelly or a bagel with cream cheese.
Of course, Maddie has her favorite snack, cheese flavored Goldfish Crackers or a hot dog!
How were you and Maddie united?
Maddie was found by my granddaughter, Andrea, wandering around an apartment complex. No owner came forward, so she became a member of our family. She’s especially devoted to my six-year-old grandson, Paul.
Does Maddie have any influence on your writing?
In many ways. I’ve learned a lot about canine behavior from her. My fictional canine, Mingo, who is a main character in my Spirit Lake book series is a male and Maddie is female, but they share many traits--loyalty being the main one.

Maddie’s full name is Madison, a name given to her by my granddaughter.
Where is Maddie’s favorite outdoor destination?
Maddie’s favorite outdoor destination is the back fence where she can socialize with the two Jack Russell terriers who live behind us and the side fence where she can socialize with the Great Dane who lives beside us.

Maddie tries not to play favorites. She prefers to keep them all on the string.
If Maddie could change one thing about you, what would it be?
I’m sure she’d want me to give her my entire helping of bacon when we have bacon and eggs for breakfast. But I only allow myself one piece and she usually gets one! We both need to watch our figures, you know.
What is Maddie’s best quality?
Her loyalty. She’s very protective of us and she’d very good with children.
What is the most amusing thing Maddie does? The most frustrating?

However, on the flip side, she does tend to bark more than I’d like. She’s got terrier in her, so she can be a little high strung at times.
All in all having Maddie in our home has enriched our lives and we consider her a member of the family.
Visit the official Carol A. Guy website and read an excerpt from House of Secrets.
--Marshal Zeringue