What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
I spend most weekends with Sadie, since I work during the week. This day in particular, we were enjoying the sun on my Aunt's deck.
What's brewing?
Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee with cream and sugar (my favorite).

Just coffee for me.
Any treat for Sadie on this occasion?
Because it's so hot out, I brought some Frosty Paws for Sadie. She furiously enjoyed one as we sat in the sun.
How were you and Sadie united?
I found Sadie when I was living in Boston, MA, through Petfinder.com. She was located in a shelter in Tennessee. I saw her smiling face, and fell in love! A few days after I applied to adopt her, I spoke with her foster mom, who didn't understand why anyone would abandon such a sweet, loving dog. I eagerly agreed to adopt her, and a few days after that, they drove her up from Tennessee right to me! She was nervous after the long trip, but once they handed her over to me, she calmed down and licked my face. We have been together ever since.
How did Sadie get her name? Does she have any aliases?
Cat, squirrel, postman...?
Well, we currently live with two cats, and she tolerates them for the most part. Squirrels are certainly her prey of choice! I tend to think she has some kind of Terrier in her, because she goes into stealth/ninja mode when she sees a squirrel, and slowly inches forward in an attempt to capture it! (To this day, I haven't let her catch one though.)
Tennis ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Squeaky tennis ball! Sadie used to be afraid of any toy that squeaked, but now she squeaks them incessantly, especially when I am on the phone (i.e., ignoring her).

Sadie loves going in the car, so she'll go pretty much anywhere. She really has fun at the dog park (which has a lake) or the dog beach though. Even with those short little Corgi legs, she's a great swimmer!
Who are Sadie's best pet-pals?
As mentioned, we live with two cats. I'm not sure I'd call them her pet-pals, but she sees them more than any other animals! Then there are a few dogs in the neighborhood she likes to play with. Her dog park friends are Cowboy (Greyhound), Bandit (Jack Russell Terrier), and Maggie (Westie mix). But clearly I am her best pal.
If Sadie could change one thing about you, what would it be?
She'd want me to be home with her 24/7. I wish I could work from home!
What is Sadie's best quality?
No matter how badly I am feeling, Sadie can put a smile on my face in a second. It's the best feeling in the world knowing she loves me unconditionally.
What is her proudest moment? Her most embarrassing?

Her most embarrassing moment would have to be last Halloween, most likely. She was a banana. And we were in a dog Halloween parade. She didn't seem to mind the costume after a little while though (as long as I kept the head piece off)! She's not a stranger to costumes and dog clothing. (But don't worry, I rarely make her wear them!)
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--Marshal Zeringue