I’m an author; Kitty Zeldis is the pen name I’m using for my newest novel, Not Our Kind. I’m holding Dottie, a purebred Pomeranian who celebrates her first birthday on December 14, 2018.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Dottie and I are coffee buddies every morning. She’s still very frisky so I have to hold her on my lap while I’m drinking my coffee. Otherwise she’ll trot to the window and yap her little head off!
What's brewing?
Carmelito or Vanilla latte that I make at home with my nifty Nespresso machine. I take a double hit of milk and drink it from a small bowl, like a Parisian.
Any treats for you or Dottie on this occasion?
Dottie gets a dog biscuit or a treat with green tripe that is supposed to aid in digestion though it’s not at all clear that it’s doing anything.
How were you and Dottie united?
Dottie was previously owned by a breeder. But because of a small defect (an underbite), the breeder decided not to show or breed her, and she let me have her.
My daughter and I just thought it was a cute name that suited her. We liked its retro quality. We sometimes call her just plain Dot. Or we give the name a Russian twist: Dotska.
Does Dottie do more to help or hinder your writing?
I’d say more to help. Her puppy energy and entertaining antics put me in such a good mood.
Has Dottie inspired the creation of any fictional dogs?
Not yet, but soon...
Cat, postman, squirrel…?
Postman, because she can bark at him. Cats scare her.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick…?
Squeaky toy is her favorite though she likes a ball too.
Where is Dottie's favorite outdoor destination?
She likes to go almost everywhere, though places with super slick floors upset her.
Who is Dottie's best pet-pal?
She’s not too dog friendly; she's more of a people dog.

Her affectionate nature. She wants to be friends with everyone, and is lavish with her licks!
If Dottie could change one thing about Brooklynites, what would it be?
She’d tell them to quit using those little scooters you see all over—she hates them!
If Dottie could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
Why does she bark hysterically whenever the mop comes out of the closet?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Dottie could speak, who should voice her?
I’d go for Reese Witherspoon.
What advice would Dottie give if asked?
There’s always time for a tummy rub.
Follow Kitty Zeldis on Facebook.
My Book, The Movie: Not Our Kind.
--Marshal Zeringue