My name is Nyx, I'm a 25-year-old college student (the arts being my general direction).
My doggie is Taricha, an 11-month-old American bulldog who's tipping the scales at 90lbs already.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
I'm a huge coffee nerd and though Taricha isn't a fan, she still likes everything I do. We enjoy coffee every single morning, lunch, afternoon and shortly before bed. We've been in the middle of a blizzard lately so haven't had a chance to venture out to our local shops. When its nicer outside, we go several times a week to our local watering hole to hang out and enjoy on the patios. Coffee needs no occasion!
What's brewing?
Black drip coffee. Dark roast (Sumatran) from a local roaster.
Any goodies to go with the coffee?

Any treat for Taricha on this occasion?
Taricha gets bits of cheese for waiting patiently.
How were you and your dog united?
Last year a friend adopted this little beefy puppy from a pet store (eee!). A few weeks later he quickly realized he didn't have the time for her (he was gone 10+ hours a day...!). It started with puppysitting, though when I first met her I knew I wanted her for my own. It was love. I'd watch her and entertain her while he was away at school for a while. It was only a matter of time before he gave her to me and we lived happily ever after!
How did Taricha get her name? Any aliases?
Taricha is a genus of toxic newts. (We like herps around here) She often gets called Tbags, Fatty and Puppy Face.

Squirrels, all the way. (Min-Pins and Chihuahuas too... because they look... like squirrels..)
Tennis ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Anything and everything that is able to be tugged on. So all of the above and then some!
Where is Taricha's favorite place for an outing?
Roller Rink. Sounds strange but its not! We walk to a nearby park that has two enclosed rinks. There are rarely people there, so we use the opportunity to throw on the skates and roll around, literally. She'll chase me, I'll chase her. Sometimes I'll bring toys or a clicker/treats. She knows when we get to this park that it's going to be a GOOD time and we will all afternoon hanging out.
Who are Taricha's best pet-pals?

If your dog could change one thing about you, what would it be?
I think she would want to get out more than we do and see more. Most days, sadly, we're sitting around the house being very boring (in her eyes). Of course we go for walks every day, but I think she wants more adventure.
What is Taricha's proudest moment? Most embarrassing?
Most embarrassing: running into sliding glass doors, running into walls, running into bookshelves, running into people. She has smacked into all kinds of things head-on while mid zoomies.
Proudest: Every single time she de-stuffs a stuffed animal. There must be some distinct triumphant pleasure out of shredding a helpless creature into oblivion and she'll stand over her stuffing disaster with the proudest happiest expression ever.
Check out Nyx and Taricha on YouTube and at the Bully Gurls blog.
--Marshal Zeringue