This is Max and he’s a fun loving, squirrel chasing ten-year-old mutt with perhaps a dash of Belgian Malinois. His human is me, Melissa Payne, debut author of The Secrets of Lost Stones, and a life-long writer with a penchant for telling stories and a love for all things dark and mystical.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
It’s just another day for Max. After he helps me get the kids to school, then it’s our time to get some serious writing done and for Max to give me story suggestions every so often in the form of a whine or a bark or two. His ideas generally involve squirrels or peanut butter so it’s a bit limiting, but I do enjoy the collaboration.
What's brewing?
Freshly ground drip coffee, black, light to medium roast and whatever brand my husband buys because he’s the true coffee lover in the family.
Any treats for you or Max on this occasion?
I always have a handful of almonds with my coffee and almonds happen to be one of Max’s favorite snacks. He can hear me bite down on one from outside. So, the deal between us is I get one almond then Max gets one almond and so on. He sits patiently,

How were you and Max united?
Max was a rescue dog and I found him just after the rescue organization had pulled him from a shelter where he was scheduled to be euthanized. Once I saw his picture on their website, I knew immediately that he was the right one for our family. And when we met him in person we quickly loaded him into our car before anyone else could adopt him.
How did your dog get his name?
His name at the shelter was King but we decided to call him Max, like King Max from Where the Wild Things Are. And it’s a perfect name for him because Max’s nature is one of curiosity and adventure with just a dash of stubbornness.
Does Max do more to help or hinder your writing?
This is my favorite question. Writing is a solitary pursuit that doesn’t lend itself toward much socialization during the working hours. But with Max I have a work partner whose only requirement is that we go on epic hikes and that he gets belly rubs whenever he rolls onto his back. He makes my day.
Have any actual dogs ever inspired dogs in your fiction?
Oh, yes! I have a work in progress about a former military working dog. The research I’ve done for this book has left me even more in awe of dogs and their amazing abilities that combined with such loving and dedicated spirits make for just about the most perfect pet. (Please don’t let my cat read this or I’ll have to deny all of it.)

Squirrel, always the squirrels!
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
A Kong filled with peanut butter.
Where is Max's favorite outdoor destination?
A long hike on any of the trails around our mountain town.
Who is Max's best pet-pal?
Lucy, his only cat friend who weighs about as much as his paw yet rules the roost.
What is Max's best quality?
He has so many! He’s loving and kind to others and always on alert, ready to protect his kids from wild animals, if needed. And he’s the most content when he is with us, whether that’s at home, on a walk, or his favorite, in the car on the way to a camping trip.
If Max could change one thing about you, what would it be?
He would want me to stop talking to the cat. He prefers when I use that tone of voice with him.

If Max could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
Do you feel loved?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Max could speak, who should voice him?
Patrick Warburton.
What advice would Max give if asked?
Don’t growl unless you have a really good reason, like a bear is prowling the yard. See the good in everyone, even the cat. Always chase squirrels. And never pass up an opportunity to jump in the car and go somewhere. Life is meant to be lived, even if it means a trip to the vet instead of a camp site.
Visit Melissa Payne's website.
--Marshal Zeringue