Showing posts with label Finnish Lapphunds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finnish Lapphunds. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Katy McQuaid & Grace

Who is in the photo at right?

That’s Grace with me, Katy McQuaid. I’m the author of a children’s book series, "Everybody Loves Grace." I am also the founder of McQuaid Corporate Performance, LLC, and my goal is to support people and organizations in experiencing successful, meaningful, and empowered transformations. Grace is a 12-year-old Finnish Lapphund who came to live with me when she was four years old.

What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?

Grace and I recently went on a road trip to Boerne, Texas to release her third book, Everybody Loves Grace: An Amazing True Story of Grace’s Adventure to Texas. While there we met for coffee with LeeAnn, a dear friend, who used take care of Grace’s big brother Tinto when I lived in Texas. We met at a new coffee shop in Fair Oaks Ranch called The Spotted Deer.

What's brewing?

I’m a pretty simple coffee drinker, just the house drip and I take it black.

Any treats for you or Grace on this occasion?

Ha, that’s a great question. I ordered a delicious egg sandwich on a homemade bagel with pesto, cheese and bacon. It was yummy and I shared some of my eggs with Grace.

How were you and Grace united?

Grace came to me when she was four years old. I was looking for a companion for Tinto who was my 15-year old Finnish Lapphund at the time. Tinto advised me it would be okay to get another dog as long as it wasn’t a puppy and it was a female. He also said it would be best if it was another Lappie. Armed with his request, I went on a hunt for an adult female Lappie that needed a home.

It turns out there was a family on a farm who needed to find a home for Grace. They offered to put her on a plane and send her to me. I met Grace for the first time at the Denver International Airport in May 2011.

How did your dog get her name? Any aliases?

Grace came to me with a different name and I called her by that name for two years. Finally, after two years of my veterinary doctors telling me her name wasn’t really Malia, the name Grace kept popping in my head. I decided while sitting in my veterinarian's office one day that I would change her name to Grace. I later learned that her mother’s name was Amazing Grace.

Grace has all sorts of nicknames such as Bear, Sweet Pea, and Lover Bear. I have to say, she truly is one of the most graceful dogs you’ll ever meet. Her name suits her perfectly.

Does Grace do more to help or hinder your writing?

Grace is a huge help with my writing. I just let her know it’s time for me to write and while I write she goes into “her office” which is the guest bathroom. She is truly amazing. Without fail, Grace knows when I’m finished writing and she emerges from her office, greets me, and asks to go for a walk.

In addition to supporting me when I’m actually writing, she gives me wonderful material to use in the "Everybody Loves Grace" books, blogs, and articles. She gives me so much material to write about just in our daily walks. Grace brings love to everyone she meets, and she makes a difference in people’s lives every single day.

Please tell us about your "Everybody Loves Grace" series.

The “Everybody Loves Grace” illustrated books are true stories told from the perspective of Grace. While they are written in a fun, light, and humorous tone, they also address some of the most challenging situations people encounter in life.

Cat, postman, squirrel...?

Grace is very curious about cats. She loves to look at them and watch them from a distance. She is very respectful of other animals and their space.

Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?

Her favorite toy is a soft pink bone. She loves to run down the hall with it on our way to the elevator.

Where is Grace's favorite outdoor destination?

Anywhere that involves a park, hike, mountains, or a road trip. Grace is an amazing traveler in the car. She likes our quick trips to the mountains outside of Denver as much as our long road trips to Texas and the East Coast.

Who is Grace's best pet-pal?

Grace’s best pal is Aunt Carol who watches her when I have to be out of town or travel for my consulting business. She loves to sit by Aunt Carol’s feet as she works at home on her computer. She also loves to take Aunt Carol to Ace Hardware on her walks so she can get treats from the salesclerk.

What is Grace's best quality?

Grace’s most endearing quality is her ability to look deeply into someone’s eyes and all the way into their heart. Grace reminds us that "Everybody Needs Grace" and her gift of presence is her greatest gift.

If Grace could change one thing about you, what would it be?

Grace would ask me to have more fun, not take life so seriously, and to take her on more road trips. She has asked me on more than one occasion to let my light shine for people to see.

If Grace could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?

Where do you want to go on our next road trip?

If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Grace could speak, who should voice her?

My vision is to have Grace’s story made into a movie or cartoon series. Drew Barrymore would be the perfect voice of Grace.

What advice would Grace give if asked?

* Simple acts of kindness can have a profound effect on others; they can even change lives.
* Have the courage to move forward through life's changes and trust that things will turn out well.
* We can choose to turn uncertain situations into positive experiences.
* Every day is an adventure and the journey is an important part of every adventure.
* Good things can happen on the “trail less traveled.”
* Moving to a new place is a chance for new beginnings and the opportunity to make new, special friends.

Visit the Everybody Needs Grace website.

--Marshal Zeringue