I’m Ann Garvin, author, speaker, teacher, Tall Poppy Writer founder, and general nice lady. This is Peanut and he would never use his legs if I would only give in and carry him everywhere.
He is a mix from the humane society and is nine going on no idea. My newest book I Thought You Said This Would Work is a road trip book with dogs and sort-of friends. It’s funny and sad like all human beings.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Peanut and I have a standing coffee date. Every morning, I sip and he barks like a penned-in, irate New York cabbie at all mammals that walk past my house. We are not the wake up slowly couple, we are the wake up and shout at people couple seen in all romantic comedies (not really).
What's brewing?
The brew is whatever comes from Imperfect Produce where all the oddball foods that are too miss-shapen to get into the supermarket (Prom) go. I like their strange coffee because Peanut and I like a good weirdo.
Any treats for you or Peanut on this occasion?
He gets his antidepressant (not kidding).
How were you and Peanut united?
I went to the Humane Society on a whim and he was there, with a crazy look in his eye that I identified with. I said, I see you, dude. Let’s do this.
How did Peanut get his name? Any aliases?
It was the name he was given when I got him. He was so stressed out, I didn’t think it would be fair to change his name on top of a big move.
Does Peanut do more to help or hinder your writing?
Both. He makes me more compassionate but he has to pee no less than 100 times a day. It’s lovely and terrible but great exercise.
I don't imagine that it's a coincidence that the over-sized diabetic Great Pyrenees in your new novel is also named Peanut. How are the real and fictional Peanuts alike...and different?
I liked the idea that a Great Pyrenees would have a diminutive name. Also, it was a stunning moment of a lack of imagination on my part. They are alike as they both have serious issues with personal space. Peanut is constantly asking with his eyes, is this too close? Peanut from the book understands so much more than my Peanut. Book-Peanut is much wiser.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
Absolutely apoplectic at the mailman. I made Peanut give the mailman a check for Christmas in apology. My mailman seems unfazed. He must be a very secure person.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?

He only has eyes for me.
Who is Peanut's best pet-pal?
Asked and answered (see above).
What is Peanut's best quality?
Loyalty and major cuddle skills.
If Peanut could change one thing about you, what would it be?
That I have friends.
If Peanut could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
Why is he so mad at other dogs?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Peanut could speak, who should voice him?
Someone with a lisp. Peanut would have a lisp.
What advice would Peanut give if asked?
Never let your person go anywhere without consulting you.
Visit Ann Garvin's website.
Writers Read: Ann Garvin (July 2014).
My Book, The Movie: The Dog Year.
The Page 69 Test: The Dog Year.
--Marshal Zeringue