What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
It's a quiet Saturday morning at home, and there's no need to rush off to work!
What's brewing?
Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice coffee, with some milk, sugar, and cinnamon.
Any goodies to go with the coffee?
A Bojangle's cinnamon biscuit.
Any treat for your dogs on this occasion?
Asa and Booker have me trained well, so they always get their breakfast first. They finished eating awhile ago, so now they are staring me down as I eat my breakfast, hoping for some crumbs to drop on the floor.
How were you and your dogs united?

Several years later, my husband and I decided that a companion would be good for Asa, so we talked about adopting an easy going, male dog. We were thinking a Labrador or Golden Retriever. A few days before Christmas in 2008, we had driven to Walmart to pick up some last minute items. In the parking lot, we noticed a man with a beautiful yellow Labrador and a laundry basket filled with 5 Labrador puppies. The man was trying to find homes for the accidental litter of puppies. We spoke with the man for awhile and then looked at all the puppies. One of the puppies was determined to climb out of the basket into my arms. I picked that little guy up, told him his name was Booker, and the rest is history!
How did the dogs get their names? Any aliases?
Asa's foster mom named her. She had been at a grocery store one day, and the cashier's name was Asa (pronounced /'ay-sah/). She liked the name so much she decided to use it. We decided to keep Asa's name when we adopted her. It's a pretty name and also unique. Asa does have a few nicknames, too -- "Pickle," "Baby," and "Asa Basa".

Cat, squirrel, postman...?
Being part English Pointer, Asa routinely points at (and then chases) squirrels and rabbits. Ironically, she's not very interested in birds!
Booker loves chasing birds and squirrels.
Tennis ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Asa enjoys chewing on bones.
Booker loves a good tennis ball or anything with a squeaker in it.
Where is your dogs' favorite place for an outing?
Asa and Booker like hanging out in our backyard. One of their favorite things to do is sun themselves on the deck.
Away from home, they love going hiking on trails and sniffing everything. Booker loves swimming, too, so if there's water, that's an added bonus!
Who are your dogs' best pet-pals?
Asa and Booker are definitely best buds.
If your dogs could change one thing about you, what would it be?
They would love for me to work at home so I could be with them more. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I was a bit more laid back, too.
What is each dog's proudest moment?

Booker's proudest moment would be when he finally graduated from sleeping in the laundry room to sleeping in our bedroom. (When he had tried sleeping in our bedroom in the past, he would always get up around 3:00am and try to play with Asa, who was not amused!)
Their most embarrassing moments?
Asa's most embarrassing moment also centers around "the hunt." She chased a squirrel up a tree and then sat at the base of the tree in case the squirrel had the nerve to come back down. Well, the squirrel picked up a pecan and dropped it on her head!
Booker's most embarrassing moment would be when he tried to come inside from the deck and walked right into the patio screen door. He didn't realize the screen was there!
Visit the They Call Me The Booker Man blog to learn more about Asa and Booker.
--Marshal Zeringue