I'm Angela Hynes, a long-time freelance journalist. I lived in California for many years but recently moved to a small ghost town called Mineral de Pozos in central Mexico to write a book. I also spend a lot of time working on my 200-year-old colonial house and garden. (You can read about some of our exploits on my blog, although I let it go dormant at the beginning of the year to concentrate on my book.)
My canine companion is Henry. That’s him rockin’ out to a drum circle on Venice Beach. Best guess is he’s a bichon/poodle mix about 8 years old. I’m not sure how to take it when people say we look alike!
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?

What's brewing?
Mexican coffee is excellent. I buy a locally grown organic brand and make it in a French press.
Any treats for you or Henry on this occasion?
Since I use lots of full cream and sugar in my coffee: it’s kinda coffee and dessert in one. Henry is not much of a morning dog, and doesn’t eat until later in the day.
How did your dog get his name? Any aliases?
Henry was named by the people who found him before we met. When we’re out in public, I sometimes call him dude. As in, “Let’s go, dude.”
At home, when it’s just the two of us, I call him snuggle muffin. But please don’t let that get out; he’d be mortified.
Henry was left chained to a fence in a dog park in California. My neighbors took him in and named him Henry. But they already had two dogs and two cats and the new addition was disturbing the established order. They asked me if I would take him and I said “no” as I’d just lost a beloved 14-year-old black lab and was still grieving. But I said I would foster him until we could find him a good permanent situation. Ten minutes after I got him home, that plan was history. We have been inseparable now for six years.
Who is Henry's best pet-pal?
Since we moved to Mexico, Henry has been missing his pal Yoda (they Skype). They went to agility school together and along with another dog, formed the team The Three Dog Knights. But the other dog dropped out so the Three Dog Knights were only two. Unfortunately, they weren’t very good and came in dead last at the end of semester contest. But a good time was had by all and they were very proud of their last-place trophies [photo right].

Squeaky toy, ball, Frisbee...?
Henry’s favorite toy is a squeaky one-eared reindeer: a Christmas gift from Yoda several years ago.
Squirrel, cat, postman...?
Cats! But only the feral ones that try to sneak into our kitchen and eat his food. He’s very polite to our friends’ felines.
What is Henry's best quality?
Where to start? I guess I would have to just say he’s a wonderful companion. He’s well-behaved enough to take anywhere. The local shops and restaurants allow him in. And he’s adaptable. We drove all the way from California to Mexico and he’s taken it all in his stride.

Where we live, it’s customary to let off fireworks for just about every occasion: saint’s days, holidays, birthday, funerals, and so forth. Henry hates the noise and hides under the sink whenever they start. I know he’d like that to stop.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which your dog could speak, which actor should do his voice?
Johnny Depp. (Okay, this may be saying more about me than Henry.)
If Henry could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
Dude, why do you pick out certain bits of kibble and spit them all over the floor, only to go back and eat them at the end of your meal?
Visit Angela's Back Pages blog.
--Marshal Zeringue
It's so nice to meet Angela and Henry!