Hello! My name is Nolwen and I’m a photographer in Los Angeles. My dog’s name is Parsley, she’s a little lady about 5 &1/2 years old. Not exactly sure what her breed is as she was a rescue but I believe she’s a Maltipoo.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Every day is take your dog to work day so it’s a daily ritual.
What's brewing?
Always a fresh hot cup of Colombian/French roast with almond milk and honey.
Any goodies to go with the coffee?
Madeline cookies.
Any treat for Parsley on this occasion?
Parsley doesn’t like just any dog treat. Actually she doesn’t really like dog treats at all, she’s very picky. Her favorite treats are veggie sticks from Trader Joe’s.
How were you and Parsley united?
Tailwaggers in Hollywood was hosting a rescue fair. I went thinking “I want a short haired dog with pointy ears.” Parsley looked straight at me, like she knew I was the one. Of course she was very shaggy with long dangly ears. I saw her staring right at me, she didn’t seem to care for one single other person around so I went over to her. I picked her up and she melted in my arms. Immediately I knew she was my dog. I brought her home and she’s been my best buddy ever since.
You've got some great photos of Parsley on your site: is she a happy model?
She is quite the fantastic model. We’ve been in a few shoots together, a commercial and she even has her own Instagram @parsleyboo.
I'm told you'll soon publish a photo book of a trip you and Parsley took across the country; what's the status of that project?
Parsley and I went on a solo road trip from Los Angeles to New Orleans, camping along the way. She loved it! The book is called Lone Star and documents my journey through photographs and a few of my diary entries. There are 12 limited edition copies being released in about two weeks, they are currently getting printed & bound.
Does she have any nicknames?
Parsley has a ton of nicknames! Parsley Boo, Parcel, Parse, Lil P, Little miss… my family somehow started calling her La Paly which quickly became Palita. She answers to them all.

She loves to chase cats… anything else she will probably run away from or scream at. She’s kind of sassy.
Tennis ball, Frisbee, squeaky-toy...?
Parsley’s favorite sport is definitely soccer. She also pretends to be really tough with her toy squirrel.
Where is Parsley's favorite place for an outing?
Parsley loves the beach! She loves to run in the water and jump in the waves. We like to sneak into Malibu beaches together. On our road trip we went to the Galveston pier in Texas and spent a few hours running through the waves.
Who is Parsley's best pet-pal?
Parsley’s best friend in the world is no doubt her mom, me. I feel like the second she saw me, she knew, that’s my best friend right there.
What is Parsley's most endearing quality?
That’s a hard one to answer, she has so many! She gives high fives and often when you stop petting her she will lift her paw and ask for more.
If Parsley could change one thing about Angelinos, what would it be?
Parsley really dislikes most other dogs… I think she would want dogs to be banned from the city. She would like to be the only dog in the city. Well in the world probably if she had her way. She’s not a big fan of other dogs. Or humans. Or anyone that’s not her mom. Really she’s a cat in disguise.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Parsley could speak, which actor should do her voice?
I think Lucille Bluth of Arrested Development is Parsley as a human. Well, with more cuddles.
If Parsley could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
I would ask Parsley where she came from and what her life was before she met me.
Visit the Nolwen Cifuentes Photography website and follow Parsley on Instagram @parsleyboo.
--Marshal Zeringue
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