I’m Katie Kennedy. I write YA (Learning to Swear in America; What Goes Up), and MG. Ernie is a male Shih Poo (half Shih Tzu, half poodle). There’s some confusion as to how old he was when he got him from the pound, so he’s either ten or eleven.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
We’re celebrating the release of What Goes Up, a YA light sci fi mashup.
What's brewing?
I’m drinking Swiss Miss with extra marshmallows because I don’t like coffee. It can be Hot Chocolate with a Canine, right? Ernie has water, but you can’t see it in the picture.
Any treats for you or Ernie on this occasion?
You bet! We are all about the treats. I have a scone and Ernie gets a beef treat. Later he’ll probably get half the cat’s food, too. [sigh]
How were you and Ernie united?
We got Ernie at the pound. He’d been surrendered by an older couple that couldn’t keep up with him. I imagined that they were elderly folk in poor health, tottering around with walkers, and just couldn’t have a dog underfoot. After we took Ernie home, we realized that he’s a lot to keep up with. That couple might have been running marathons and still have had trouble dealing with him.
How did your dog get his name? Any aliases?
We kept the name his first family gave him, but he’s so disobedient and ornery that we decided he must not speak English. Why else would he ignore our every command? My husband calls him Ernesto, or Nesto for short, in the hopes that he’ll respond to commands in Spanish. So far it’s not working, but we’ve only tried for about five years.

Oh, hinder. Ernie enjoys barking, and I don’t know how many sentences I’ve lost when he pulled me out of my story world. Needless to say, it’s totally worth it. I’d be lonely without my—loud, intrusive—little writing buddy.
Has Ernie inspired the creation of any fictional dogs?
I had thirty pages devoted to a fictional dog in my work-in-progress, but I had to cut those scenes. I’m trying to figure out how to break the news to him. I do often work in a small black dog in some way or other, so he usually gets a cameo.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
Ernie barks at everything except squirrels. He’ll bark because other dogs are barking, or because they aren’t and he wants to stir up trouble. But not squirrels. Pretty sure they made a pact at some point.
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
He’s not a chewer, probably because his mouth is busy barking. But he does enjoy playing fetch and then refusing to give the toy up so I can throw it again. Also, the ottoman is home base. If he makes it there safely, I’m not allowed to grab the toy and play tuggy pull with it.
Where is Ernie's favorite outdoor destination?
He loves his walks and despite his tiny legs he’ll walk for blocks and blocks, no matter how cold it is. When he realizes we’re almost home he tries to trick me and head in the opposite direction. He’s a scamp.
Who is Ernie's best pet-pal?
I think he has a little crush on Emma, the dog next door. Every time he sees her he goes nuts barking. Did I mention that she lives next door? So he sees her every few minutes?
What is Ernie's best quality?

He’s incredibly loyal. He’s also incredibly brave. I was watching Jurassic Park with the kids once, and you know that scene where the T. Rex slowly turns its head and roars? Ernie stood between the kids and growled back. He weighed fifteen pounds. I’ll always love him for that.
If Ernie could change one thing about Iowans, what would it be?
People don’t drop hams enough.
If Ernie could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
If I only got one sentence, I’d tell him something--that it’s okay for him to sleep in the sunny window in the living room while I work in the study. He loves that room so much, but I can’t draft in it. He tries to lead me in there in the morning, and when I go into the study he sighs and follows, and stays as long as I do. I’d like him to know it would be okay if he took a little time off to enjoy his favorite place.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Ernie could speak, who should voice him?
Meryl Streep. She can do anybody.
What advice would Ernie give if asked?
If you sneak around the island, you can sometimes make it to the cat’s bowl before Mom notices. And that is awesome!
Visit Katie Kennedy's website.
--Marshal Zeringue
Cutie pie Ernie is do doubt a lapful of inspiration.