I’m Laura Pohl, here with Vina! Vina’s a two-year-old dachshund who loves to chew toys and sleep. She’s a good company always.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
I have coffee every morning sitting next to her. Or in this case, sometimes I get coffee while working and she’s still sleeping in bed.
What's brewing?
I love cappuccinos, but usually have a healthy dose of café au lait in the mornings. Brazilian brands only.
Any treats for you or Vina on this occasion?
I’m eating brownies my friend baked. Vina’s eyeing them in the hopes of getting some, but she’s already had her morning biscuit.
How were you and Vina united?
Vina’s a rescue dog. Me and my roommate rescued her from people who were abusing her and did not want dogs. She was real quiet and scared at first, but she warmed up to us quickly and is very affectionate.
How did your dog get her name? Any aliases?
Vina is slang for “sausage” in Curitiba, Brazil — the city where I grew up. I thought it’d be amusing to name her that. She always answers when I call her “baby” though.
Does Vina do more to help or hinder your writing?
She does both. Sometimes she really wants attention and I need to stop writing and walk with her or play, but usually she stays asleep while I work and is there when I need a break.
Has Vina inspired the creation of any fictional dogs?
Yes! My debut book, The Last 8, has a dog in it – Sputnik is a Bernese Mountain Dog, but she has much of the same personality as Vina. Very chaotic but very cute.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
We live in an apartment building, so it ends up being just the doorman or the neighbor next door (who she deeply despises).
Ball, squeaky-toy, stick...?
Her favorite toy is a ball that’s shaped as a meteor.
Where is Vina's favorite outdoor destination?
The dog park a couple of blocks away.

My parents’ dog, Fadinha. She’s also a dachshund, and they get along pretty well.
What is Vina's best quality?
I think she’s very loving toward everyone she encounters. Once she meets them, she’s very protective of people, and likes cuddling and just being affectionate.
If Vina could answer only one question in English or Portuguese, what would you ask her?
Why do you keep throwing your own ball in places you can’t reach only so I have to get it for you?
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Vina could speak, who should voice her?
Huuh, that’s a hard one! I feel like Vina would have to be someone a little bit sarcastic as well, maybe like Chelsea Peretti.
What advice would Vina give if asked?
Vina is a firm believer in taking naps and taking breaks. Don’t overwork yourself—you have all the time in the world.
Visit Laura Pohl's website.
--Marshal Zeringue
Little Vina is adorable!