This is Rita June and I! I’m Laura Testino, a life and culture reporting fellow at NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune. It is ridiculous that my job exists, because it requires that I write about some of the most interesting and entertaining people and places in New Orleans, coincidentally one of the most interesting and entertaining cities in the world. Rita and I are both from the South; her from Alabama and myself from Georgia, but I adopted her a couple of years ago when I was living in New York City. She’s a spunky and energetic cattle dog mix, but gets along great in the city. The best guess for her age is around 5 (she celebrates her birthday in October), but most people who meet her think she is much younger.
What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Rita loves walking to this library in our neighborhood. It used to be an old home (once the residence of film star Marguerite Clark!), so it has a large and hilly lawn with several pockets for her to sniff and explore. While we lived in New York, her favorite place to go was the steps of the MET Museum, because she liked to watch the people and the cars travel orderly (read: herd themselves) down 5th Avenue. I think there’s a similar attraction for her, a herding dog, to sit on the steps at this library and watch the streetcar and other cars and people. She thinks she is very fancy, I’m sure.
We walk over to the library a few times each week, and I either bring my own coffee or make a pit stop at French Truck Coffee, which is on the way.
What's brewing?
On this coffee date, it was coffee brewed at home. I like the routine of coffee each day and save the frills for special occasions. I usually brew about 4 cups of Trader Joe’s medium roast for a serving, which probably means I have a very unhealthy addiction. If I’m drinking iced coffee, it gets a splash of almond milk and extra ice.
From French Truck coffee, I like their NOLA Iced Coffee, but order it half sweetened.
Any treats for you or Rita on this occasion?
Yes! My family was in town, and my mom brought me some homemade blueberry muffins. Rita loves blueberries, so she got to have a few pieces herself.
How were you and Rita united?
I chalk that up to a knowingly irresponsible decision that I, truthfully, have been lucky enough to not ever regret, (except maybe on the weekend mornings when I’d rather not be awake before 8).
Rita was on Petfinder a few weeks after I’d moved to New York City from Alabama, where I graduated college, and I had wanted to have another dog for a long time. My first dog, Daisy, was a gift for my kindergarten graduation, but died right when I started high school.
I went to the shelter with the intent of just visiting Rita. Her Petfinder profile pegged her at the perfect apartment size (about 35 pounds), and I liked that she wasn’t a puppy but still a young 3-years-old. Once I got there, I found out she’d been adopted and returned a couple times, and it crushed me. When I found out she was from Alabama and born on a date that was special to me, I knew I had to get her. She came to her new home a week later.
How did your dog get her name? Any aliases?
Rita was Rita in the shelter, and I added her middle name, June. There, they nicknamed her “Ri-Ri,” but from me she gets: Rita, Rita J, Rita June, RJ and Rita bean.
When you're writing, does Rita do more to help or hinder your work?
If Rita is awake, she probably wants attention. She once sat for half an hour in the tiny barstool seat in my kitchen next to mine while I was writing. Her wet nose often pops up under my elbow while I’m typing to remind me that Hello, My name is Rita and you haven’t pet me in, like 5 whole minutes.
Even though it’s not productive to work in the same room as her, having her to keep me on a routine is great. I catch up on reading while we’re out at the park, and taking a couple walks each day is a great work break to look forward to and recharge from.
Your article "New Orleans UPS driver shares photos of the pups on his route" blew up in my social media feeds. Has Rita met the driver?
Ha! I wish she could meet Jay. Unfortunately, we don’t live on his route.
Cat, postman, squirrel...?
Cats are public enemy number 1. She’s been known to chase a squirrel’s shadow, though, also.

“Green ball” is her favorite to play with inside, but she has squeaky pig, duck and snake toys that she’ll make music with for attention. Rita loves to find a stick to munch on for a while at the library.
Where is Rita's favorite outdoor destination?
She loves going to any park, or anywhere else where there’s lots to sniff and room to run in circles at a million miles a minute. Specifically, though, any place with springy grass to roll in is Rita Heaven.
Who is Rita's best pet-pal?
Rita June is one intense lady, and playing is no joking matter. She doesn’t have one best pal in particular, but welcomes any other pup who enjoys being chased at lightning speed.
What is Rita's best quality?
She’s spunky and smart! It’s great to have a furry companion that is so observant and attentive.
If Rita could change one thing about New Orleanians, what would it be?
Ha, probably to keep their cats inside unless said cats can be chased!
If Rita could answer only one question in English, what would you ask her?
I’d really like to know how much different her life is now from what it was before she was adopted. I don’t know much, other than that she was rescued by one shelter from living in a little concrete, fenced-in patio area with a couple other dogs, and then shipped up to the shelter in New York where I found her.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Rita could speak, who should voice her?
Reese Witherspoon’s Sweet Home Alabama accent would do.
What advice would Rita give if asked?
Rita June would say to go after what you want, and to play as hard as you work as hard as you rest.
Read Laura Testino's reporting at NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune.
--Marshal Zeringue
What a sweet story/interview! Love your Rita.
ReplyDeleteThanks, and best wishes!
Cherdo on the Flipside
Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge
Rita June, Adorable name, adorable face.