My other dogs are Gracie, 11 ½ year old Samoyed, Pogo, 7 year old Samoyed, and Jane, almost three year old Border Collie.
When I’m at work, I sell super premium dog food and supplies. I love meeting concerned pet owners and helping them make good choices about nutrition for their pets...and hearing all the success stories of how changing the diet helped fix existing health problems.
What’s the occasion?
Every morning is an occasion for Coffee with Canines! This morning was just a few days after I brought Pearl home. I took her to a local ranch to show her off to some of my friends.
What’s brewing?
Blind Dog Sumatra, drip coffee. Black. Roasted here in Northern Nevada.
Any goodies to go with the coffee?

Any treat for the dogs?
Coffee time usually coincides with dog breakfast time. I pour my first cup as I’m weighing and assembling the dogs’ raw meat diet.
How were you and your dogs united?
All of my dogs are from good breeders who breed for working ability, temperament and health. My Samoyeds came from a wonderful breeder, with whom I became great friends after meeting two of her dogs. Aside from being great family dogs and show dogs, Brenda’s dogs have been fantastic sled dogs.

After Jane persuaded me that I need Border Collies in my life, I chose Pearl’s litter, after seeing both her parents several times, and seeing the dogs they have produced. It’s a pretty special breeding and I am honored to have one of these pups. You featured Pearl’s dad, Riggs, in an earlier blog post.
How did your dogs get their names?
Gracie is Kriskella’s SunTrip T’First Base MX MXJ NA, named after my then favorite Chicago Cubs’ firstbaseman, Mark Grace.
Pogo is Kriskella’s Pogonip’d SunTrip HCT, named after the most beautiful winter phenomenon in the west, pogonip frost.

Pearl as named for another notorious woman of the west, Pearl Hart, the first woman stage coach robber in Arizona.
Squirrel, cat, postman?
Jane is absolutely obsessed with the Chuck-It Flying Squirrel, when she can’t have sheep.
Pogo is my hunter. She will take out any rabbit, quail, lizard, or other creature in our yard.

The Samoyeds love the faux sheepskin squeaky toys. Pearl is at the age where she is into everything! I don’t think she’s yet met a toy she didn’t like!
If your dogs could change one thing about you, what would it be?
I like to think they would want me home more. But, really, the Samoyeds would like to go to work with me more... so they could steal more treats. Jane would like to work sheep every day, so lots of land, and lots of sheep. Pearl would like me to let her chew and tug my shoe laces and pant legs.
What is the most amusing thing about your dogs? Frustrating thing?
My dogs make me laugh every day! I love watching the Samoyeds play with one another. I love watching Pearl do anything. I love to watch Jane work...nothing makes my heart sing like watching her run out 500 yards to the sheep and get behind them softly and bring them to me...to watch the amazing genetics at work ...there is nothing like it.

My dogs love going out into the Nevada wilderness to run free. They love to play in Lake Tahoe in the summer. And, for Jane, any place there are sheep, is the place she wants to be!
Who are the dogs' best pet pals?
Gracie loves Pogo. Pogo is the peace maker; she loves everyone. She especially loves intact Border Collie and Aussie boys. The Super Flirt comes out when she meets those herding boys! Jane loves Pogo and occasionally thinks about usurping Gracie’s reign of power. Pearl loves everyone.
Read more about Pearl, Gracie, Pogo, and Jane at their blog.
--Marshal Zeringue