That's me, Kasmah McDermott, and Scruffy McScruffs McDermott. I am an Executive Assistant at Sounds True. Scruffy is a male Jack Russell Terrier Mix, 1-1/2 years old.
Does Scruffy come to work with you every day at Sounds True?
Yes, he's a workaholic....actually make that a napaholic.
What's brewing?
We both love chilled water.
Any treats for you or Scruffy on this interview break?
Scruffy has some natural peanut butter dog treats; for me, an oat cranberry nut whenever bar.
How were you and Scruffy united?
A friend works at Denkai Animal Sanctuary and I saw his picture on Facebook, end of story.
How did Scruffy get his name? Any aliases?
He was named Scruffy at the Shelter and it fits.
Does Scruffy have a favorite toy, ball, or stick?
No. He does love all my kid's stuffed animals or anything he can rip apart.
Who is Scruffy's best pet-pal at Sounds True?
His best play buddy is Rufus but he also likes to hang with Xena and Layla, his girlfriends.
Does Scruffy have a favorite place to go for outings?
He wants to go everywhere, each place is a big fun adventure.
What is Scruffy's best quality?
He's very tolerant and loving to people and dogs.
If Scruffy could change one thing about you, what would it be?
He would want me to let him sleep on the bed.
If your dog could answer only one question in English, what would you ask him?
It would be a two part question....I would ask Scruffy what his life was before he joined our family and if he likes his life now.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life in which Scruffy could speak, who should voice him?
Theodore "The Beaver" Cleaver (portrayed by Jerry Mathers).
Read about another Sounds True duo, Andrew Pike & Miles.
--Marshal Zeringue
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